Modify Approval Paths allows you to establish the groups of individuals whose approval is needed for Purchase Orders and Check Requests to be finalized.
This Section Includes:
You are setting up a hierarchy of users that must give their consent in order for a Purchase Order or Check Request to be approved. You also define which users have the right to create Purchase Orders and Check Requests using each approval path.
You can define which approvers have more authority, which users have the right to create Purchase Orders and Check Requests using each approval path, and the dollar limit of automated approvals, all by creating custom approval paths. Approval paths can be as broad or as specific as you like. Set up an approval path for specific kinds of purchases (e.g., office supplies), or by department (e.g., Youth Department, Music Department).
There is a Task Role security option under Purchasing Management for Purchase Order Approval Override. This option gives a user the ability to do final approval when the person set up as the final approver is not in the office. A user set up with this particular right can approve any purchase order at any time, regardless of the chosen path. |
The Approval Paths grid contains the Description of each existing Approval Path. Click the Edit icon or double-click any path in the grid to edit. You can also click the Add New Approval Path link to add a new Approval Path. Click the Delete
icon to be prompted to delete an existing Approval Path in the grid. You can only delete Approval Paths that have not yet been used within the Purchasing Management application.