Event Tags are used for tracking events that have a begin and end date, can appear on your Arena-managed calendar, and have the option to accept registration fees. Events have the option to add Sub-Events to track individual classes or activities that are part of the event.
This Help page contains the following sections:
Add an Event to the Public Calendar
Set up the Registration information
Add Custom Fields to an Event Tag
Manually Add a Payment for a Registration
Assign a Registrant to a Sub-Event Tag
Resend an Email Confirmation to a Registrant
Follow the steps below to add a new event tag.
1. From the Tags menu, click the Event Tags option.
2. Click the Add New Event icon in the lower right-hand corner.
3. Enter the Event Details as appropriate for your event.
•Name: The name entered here displays on the Arena-managed website calendar. Consult your payment gateway provider when using special characters.
•Active: Select this check box to make the event active or inactive. It must be active to be available on the Arena-managed external portal.
•Update Event Photo...: Click this button to search for and select an image file. Click the Update button after selecting your image.
•Parent: This field displays the tag which is the above the current event tag, in hierarchal structure. You can move an event tag by selecting a different parent event tag.
•RSVP Event: Select this box if you would like to allow users to register multiple people without requiring data to be entered for each person. This option is available for Event Tags with no Sub-Events.
•Sub-events Enabled: Select this box to create sub-events. Once an Event tag has the Sub-Events Enabled check box checked, then there is only one level of child events that can be added under the Event tag.
•Sub-events Type: Select which type of sub-events to make available for this event.
•Campus: Select campus if applicable. (A Campus can be added to the drop-down list -> From the Administration menu, select Organization under the <CONFIGURE> heading. Click on the Organization link listed under the Organization Name column. Next, click the Campuses tab to view the list of campuses. Click the Add New Campus icon to add a new campus.)
•Owner: By default, the user creating the event is the owner. Click the Select link to change the owner.
•Peer Relationships: Set the relationship strength. The default Weak position does not calculate.
•Event Type: Select the type of event. This is a customizable Lookup to organize your Arena-managed website calendar(s).
•Start Date: Enter the date and time that the event starts.
•End Date: Enter the date and time that the event ends.
•Location: Select the location for this event. This is a Check-In Location. (From the Check-In menu, select the Locations option. Click the Add New Location icon to add a new location.)
•Projected Attendance: Enter the number of people you are expecting for this event. You can limit registrants on the Registration Details tab under Registration.
•Display this event on a person’s detail page ONLY if they actually ATTEND this event: Select this check box if you want to display this event on the Person Detail page of the registrant. The event displays once you either manually record attendance, or use the bar code scanner upload or Arena Check-In.
•Summary: The event Summary displays on your organization’s Arena managed website.
•Event Details: The Event details display on your organization’s Arena managed website.
•Internal Notes: The Internal Notes are only accessible to staff.
4. Click the Update button when you are finished entering the Event Details.
There are two options that appear on the Event Details tab if you have eSPACE set up. These options are Resourced? check box and the Selected Resource field.
If you unlock a resource in eSPACE, make and save changes to the resource, then a message appears next to the "Selected Resource" field on the Event Details page that lets you know the resource is no longer connect to the Event tag.
Click the Search |
Add an Event to the Public Calendar
Events are added to the Public Calendar by adding at least one occurrence to the event tag and then specifying the Event Calendar Details. The following steps guide your through entering an occurrence and then specifying the Event Calendar Details.
Enter an Occurrence
1. From the Tags menu, click the Event Tags option.
2. Click on the Event link for the event that you would like to edit (e.g. Camp Katowee - Summer 2018).
3. Select the Occurrences tab.
4. Click the Add New Occurrence icon.
5. Click on the [New Occurrence] link that appears on the Occurrences listing.
6. Click the Edit Details button.
7. Enter the Occurrence information as appropriate for your event and then click the Update button when you are finished.
•Attendance Type: Select the Attendance Type from the drop-down list. (Attendance Types can be added or modified from the Check-In menu. Select Attendance Type Categories then click the Attendance Types link for your related Category.)
•Name: Enter the name of the occurrence. (e.g. Week 1 - July 7)
•Location: Enter the location of the occurrence.
•Area: Select an Area from the drop-down list.
•Start Date/Time: Enter the date and time when the occurrence begins.
•End Date/Time: Enter the date and time when occurrence ends.
•Check-In Location: Enter the location where registrants go to check in.
•Check-In Start: Enter the date and time when the Check-In process begins.
•Check-In End: Enter the date and time when the Check-In process closes.
•Membership Required for Check-In: Select this option if Membership is required to check in.
•Occurrence Closed: Select this option if the occurrence is now closed.
•Head Count: Enter the Head Count. The number entered here overrides the actual attendance count (unless 0 is entered).
•NOTES: Enter any information notes concerning this occurrence.
8. Continue these steps to add more occurrences as appropriate for your event.
Specify the Event Calendar Details
Even though you can enter your Event Calendar Details before setting up an occurrence, it is best to add the occurrences first since the calendar details cannot be published until there is at least one occurrence established. Follow the steps below to enter the Public Calendar Details.
1. From the Tags menu, click the Event Tags option.
2. Click on the Event link for the event that you would like to add the Event Calendar Details (e.g. Camp Katowee - Summer 2018).
NOTE: See the Subscribe to a Tag section for details on how to use the Subscribe check box.
3. Click the Edit Details button.
4. Select the Public Calendar Details tab.
5. Enter the Public Calendar Details as appropriate for your event.
•Contact Name: Enter the contact person to display on your Member Responsive Portal > Event Details page.
•Contact Phone: Enter the phone number for the contact person.
•Contact Email: Enter the email for the contact person.
•External Link: If you have a separate website for this event, enter the website address in this field. The "Find Out More" button on the Members Responsive portal links to the web address entered here. If the External Link field is left blank, then the "Find Out More" button links to the Event Details page on the Members Responsive portal.
•Visibility: Select "Public" to make the event available on your Member Responsive Portal.
•Primary Ministry: Select a primary ministry to display the event. This determines the page on your Members Responsive portal where this event displays.
•Alternate Ministries: Select any other ministries that relate to this event.
•Approved: The Public Calendar Details must be approved before it will display on the Members Responsive Portal. Click the check box to approve the Public Calendar Details. (This check box is inactive if the user does not have rights to approve the public calendar details.)
•Priority: Prioritizes this event for the calendar so that the public calendar administrator can know how to schedule this event along with other events may have need for the public calendar. "0" being the lowest priority and "99" being the highest priority.
•Tier Level: Select the tier level from the drop-down list.
Members Responsive Portal
Also referred to as the Arena-managed website, the Members Responsive Portal is where your members go to view events that you publish to the Calendar and where individuals go to register for events. Also, the Members Responsive Portal is used for online giving and a place where group leaders can manage small groups.
To navigate to this site, add the following to the end of your Arena URL: Portal=4&RefreshCache=True
For example, if your Arena URL is "https://Arena.FirstChurch.com/default.aspx", then change it to the following to access your Members Responsive Portal:
The default Portal designations are as follows: 1 - Arena CHMs website 2 - Web Page (old Web Portal) 3 - Mobile 4 - Members Responsive Portal
The Portal designations can be modified by navigating to Administration > Portal List.
Since only one portal can be open per browser, it is recommended that you run a different browser if you want to view both the Arena CHMs website and the Members Responsive Portal at the same time.
For example, you may have a Chrome browser running the Arena CHMs website while a Firefox or IE browser running the Members Responsive Portal. Running this way can be helpful if you are in the process of making changes to an Event and then want to immediately view the changes on the portal. |
Set up the Registration Information
The following section describes how to set up the Registration Information for an event tag. This first involves security and then walks you through each of the sections on the Registration tab for an Event tag.
The first part of setting up your registration information for an event involves having the rights to edit the registration information on an Event tag. Follow the steps below to setup security to edit registrations.
1. From the Tags menu, click the Event Tags option.
2. Click on the Event link for the event that you would like to add security (e.g. Camp Katowee - Summer 2018).
3. Select the Security tab.
4. Click the Edit Security button.
5. From the Security Permissions area, select your login and then check the Edit Registration check box. Select any other Roles or People and give rights as appropriate by checking the corresponding Access Allowed check boxes.
6. Click the Update button when you are finished.
Setup the Registration Information
1. Click the Edit Details button for the event.
2. Select the Registrations tab.
3. Click the Enabled check box. (See the Edit Registration Security section if this check box is not active.)
4. After the Enabled check box is selected, there are 7 tabs that appear under the Registration tab: Registration Details, Fields, Communication, Payment & Fees, Discounts, Advanced, and Registration Steps.
Registration Details tab
Use the Registration Details tab to configure how and when individuals can register for this event online.
•Registration Start Date: Enter the date and time that the online registration starts.
•Registration End Date: Enter the date and time that the online registration ends.
•Limit Registrations to ____ individuals: Enter the maximum number of individuals that can register for this event. (This field limits the cumulative number for registrations and registrants that can register online.)
•Limit Registrants to ages between ____ and ____ as of [Registration Date]: Enter the age range that individuals can register as of the registration date specified.
•Limit Registrants to grades between ____ and ____: Enter the grade range that individuals can register.
•Limit Registrants to gender [Male or Female]: If the registration is gender specific, choose Male or Female.
•Note: Selecting the limitations will cause that field to be required during registration.
•Allow Multiple Registrants per Registration - Max #: A Registration is considered to be the individual who registers online. By selecting this check box, you allow a Registration to register additional individuals (registrants). The number of registrants per registration can be limited by entering a number in the "Max #" field.
•Allow Anonymous Registration: Select this option to allow individuals without a member login to register online for an event. After registering for an event, the individual anonymous registration is added to the database as a record.
•Description: Enter a description to appear on the first page of the online registration process.
•Instructions: Enter any instructions that you want a registration to follow. This information also appears with the description on the first page of the online registration process.
Fields tab
The Fields tab allows you to specify which fields appear for the online registration page. There are standard fields and custom fields.
Standard Field Settings
This section allows you to customize the standard fields that appear on the online registration page.
•Use: Select the "Use" option if you would like a field to be available to the user during online registration.
•Required: Selecting this option forces the registrant to fill out this field before the online registration can be submitted.
•Auto Fill: This option only applies if you have selected both the "Allow Multiple Registrations per Registration" and "Allow Anonymous Registration" on the Registration Details tab. Select this option to automatically fill the information from one registrant to another when clicking the Next button during the online registration process.
•Show on Summary: Check boxes for fields you want to display on the Registration Summary page.
•Order: Change the numbers in the "Order" column to change the display order on the each field in use. The Standard Fields are listed in order by the number assigned from smallest to greatest. For example, if you want to the Email field to be displayed as the 5th field, enter the number "5" in the Order box next to the Email field. (After clicking the Update button, the fields will rearrange according to the order number assigned.)
Cutom Fields
1. Click the Add Custom Field button to add a Custom Field, and then click the Edit icon to specify the specifics for the custom field.
2. After clicking the Edit icon, the customization options appear.
3. Enter a name for the custom field in the Label field by overwriting the words "New Field".
4. Select the Field Type from the drop-down list. (The default is set to "Textbox".) The various types of Field Types are listed below.
•Address: This field enables the ability for registrants to enter an address (Address, City, State, and Zip fields).
•Area: Places a list of existing areas on the form in a drop-down list format. This field enables the ability to specify a page to display the group area. See Groups Areas for more information.
•Check Box: This field enables the ability to create a multi-select list of options for registrants. Enter the options in comma-delimited format in the Values field.
•Custom Query: This field enables you to enter a custom query, in the Query field.
•Date: Places a date field with a Calendar icon.
•Document: This field enables registrants the ability to attach a document. First select a Document Type to associate with uploaded registrant documents. Document Type is a customizable Lookup. See your Arena Administrator if no Document Types are available.
•Drop-down List: This field enables you the ability to create a drop-down list of options for registrations to select. Enter values in comma delimited format (e.g. Option A, Option B, Option C).
•Image: This field enables registrants the ability to upload an image.
•Lookup Type: This field enables the ability to select an existing drop-down from Lookups.
•Person: This field enables the ability for registrants to search for a single existing record, using default Person Page ID (7).
•Person Attribute: This field links to person attribute on the person detail page.
•Phone Number: This field enables registrants the ability to enter a 10-digit telephone number with the option to enter an extension.
•Radio List: Places a radio button for each value added in the Value field. Users can select only one option.
•Rich Text Field: Allows users to enter rich text.
•Static HTML Content: This field enables the ability to enter static text or static HTML formatted text in the HTML field.
•Text box: Places a text box on the form. The text box allows 255 characters.
5. Select the label location from the Label drop-down list. Options are left, right, top, or bottom.
6. Select the Size from the Rows and Pixels Wide fields.
•Rows: Use this option to adjust the number of rows to use for the custom field (e.g., a rich text field or static HTML content.)
•Pixels Wide: Use this option to specify the width of the custom field.
7. Depending on the Field Type, you may be required to enter a value for the choices presented. Field Types that require this are check box, radio, drop-down, and static.
•Visible: Select this check box to make the field visible (both internally and externally).
•Required: Select this check box for fields that are required to select or complete.
•Read Only: Select this check box to make fields view only. The field displays as a disabled field (grayed out).
•Enable Auto-Fill: For Events behind a member login, check this box for required custom fields.
•Show on List: Select this check box for fields to display on the Tag Member page.
8. After making the appropriate changes for the custom field, click the Save icon to save your changes or the Cancel
icon to close the customization options.
Custom Field Modules
If available, select a Custom Field Group. If not available, see your Arena Administrator. To remove a Custom Field or Custom Field Module, click the Delete icon next to the field/module you want to remove. (A custom field cannot be deleted if it is in use.)
Communication tab
The Communications tab allows you to set up communication between your attenders and the staff involved in hosting the event. The communication emails require that your Arena administrator has certain agents enabled.
•From Name: Enter the name of the person who is sending the registration confirmation and reminder emails.
•From Email: When a registration confirmation or a reminder email is sent, the email address entered here is displayed in the "From" field on the email.
•Reply To Email: (optional) When the registrant receives an email and selects to reply, the email address entered here will be used. If no "Reply To Email" address is specified, then the "From Email" address is used for replies.
NOTE: If you enter any of the above fields, but do not check the Registration Confirmation - Enabled check box, then the above fields will not be saved when clicking the Update button.
Registration Confirmation
Select the Enabled check box to display the registration confirmation email. The email option has full HTML functionality. Merge fields that can be used in the email are listed above the Registration Confirmation section.
Besides sending a registration confirmation, there are also options to send event reminders, E-tickets, and a notification to the owner of the event. These options are listed below with a description of each option.
Event Reminders
Select either None, 1, or 2 Event Reminders. The Event Reminder is sent a specified number of days before the event. If you select to have 2 Event Reminders, then there are two reminder emails available for you to set up.
Check the Enabled check box if you would like the registrant to receive an E-Ticket after registration is completed. This option requires additional setup in order for registered users to print an e-ticket associated with the Event. This option is not available for anonymous registrations.
Notify Owner
If you check the Enabled check box, then the "Owner" specified on the Event Details tab is notified via email after a new registration is completed.
Payments & Fees tab
Enter the Event Costs, Additional Fees, and the Payment Processing information on this tab.
Event Costs (Payments)
Event Costs allow you to specify how much the event costs to attend. These costs can include multiple payments with due dates associated with each payment.
1. Click the Enabled check box to activate Event Costs.
2. Next, click the Add Event Cost button to add a new event cost, and then click the Edit icon to specify the fields for the Event Cost.
3. Below are the Event Cost fields.
•Title: Enter the title for this payment. This displays on the registration page.
•Active: Mark the payment active in order to make available on the registration page.
•Amount: Enter the amount for the payment option.
•Discount Applies: Check this box if Discounts (from the next tab) apply to the payment option. Discounts run through 11:59:59.
•Date Due: Click the Calendar icon to select the due date for the payment.
•Note: Enter a note for this payment option. The Note displays on the Member Responsive Portal during the registration process (e.g. Non-Refundable Deposit).
•Account Number: Enter the account number for this payment option. For informational purposes only (e.g. Income account on your Chart of Accounts).
4. Payments are cumulative. In the example below the total cost is $250.
•No payment is required until 10/7/2017. (If a deposit is due immediately, then enter the Date Due as today's date.)
•Registration between 10/7/2017 and 5/7/2018 requires a $50 deposit.
•Registration after 5/7/2018 requires $150 ($50 payment + $100 First Payment).
•Registration after 6/7/2018 requires $250 ($50 payment + $100 First Payment + $100 Final Payment).
5. After making the appropriate changes for an event cost, click the Save icon to save your changes or the Cancel
icon to close the customization options. The Event Costs are listed and can be deleted by clicking the Delete
icon next to the event cost you want to remove.
Below are some considerations for setting payments:
•To allow registration without payment, set the due date for a future date.
•To require payment at time of registration, set the date due to the current or past date.
•If the goal is to allow registrants to enter in a random amount, you might consider creating a $1 Additional Fee with multiples. For example $1 x 10 for a $10 payment.
•To allow registration with no payment, do not enter a date.
While Payments, Additional Fees, and Discounts provide flexibility, below are some considerations as you implement this feature. For example, if the event cost is $15 each but for three registrants the fee is $35, below are three scenarios to handle this, depending on your level of confidence with registrants:
•Wording that states "three or more qualify for a special group rate - please call (this) number to register. This is a higher security option that permits special pricing using unpublished discount codes and/or other tricks.
•Publishing discount codes, which can be used to bring the price down to the proper level depending on the quantity of registrants.
•If you do not need to capture every registrants information, permit only a single registration for $15, then add extra fees for (option 1) at $15 for ONE additional registrant, or (option 2) +$5 for the second additional registrant, (option 3) +$0 for the fourth registrant, etc.
•If you need to capture each registrant’s info, #1 is the only option unless you trust your registrants, in which case #2 can work. If you don't need to capture each registrant's info, then option 3 is easiest as long as the fees are clear enough that your registrants pick the correct extra fees.
If using sub-events:
•Only one "discount code" text box displays, but each sub-event can have its own discount code.
•You can use the same text for the discount code on sub-events but assign different discount percentages or discount amounts.
•Sub-events do not require payments or fees.
Additional Fees
Enter Additional Fees. For events with additional fees, leave those fees active in order for the balance to reflect an accurate balance.
•Label: Enter the label for the additional fee.
•Amount: Enter the amount for the additional item.
•Type: Select the type of field for the additional fee. Options are drop-down and radio list.
•Values: Enter the options for the fee in comma-delimited format.
•Account Number: Enter the account number for the additional fee.
•Allow Multiple Quantity: Select this check box to allow registrants to select multiple quantities. You also need to set a Max number.
•Active: Select this check box to make active.
•Required: Select this check box for fields that are required to select or complete.
•Show on List: Select this check box for fields to display on the Tag-Member page.
•Discount Applies: Select this check box to enable discounts for the additional fee. Discounts run through 11:59:59.
Payment Processing
At least one payment Gateway must be specified if either the Event Costs or Additional Fees has been enabled.
•Credit Card Account Gateway: Select the payment gateway from the drop-down list to enable your registrations to pay using a credit card.
•Checking Account Gateway: Select the payment gateway from the drop-down list to enable your registrations to pay using a checking account.
•Accounting Code: This is a required informational only field.
NOTE: Payment Gateways can be set up under the Administration menu by choosing the "Payment Gateways" option.
Discounts tab
The Discounts tab has options for Group discounts, Early Bird discounts, and special Discount codes. You can enter percentages, including 100% or dollar value discounts. Percentage discounts apply before dollar discounts.
•Group Discount: Enter a group size and a % or dollar discount. Discount applies to all registrants in the registration.
•Early Bird Discount: Enter or select the End Date for the early discount and a % or dollar discount. The discount applies to all registrants in the Registration. Discounts run through 11:59:59 of the End Date specified. Discounts do not expire if no end date is set.
•Discount Codes: Use this additional discount option for custom discounts like scholarships. Max Allowed limits the number of times registrants can use the code, regardless of the number of registrants.
The Limited check box tells Arena to limit use of the Discount Code, based on the Max Allowed number. However, it only limits the number of times to use the code on the external site.
NOTE: If the Limited check box is unchecked, you can enter the discount code as many times as you like. Each registrant can use one discount code.
Advanced tab
Use the Advanced tab to customize the fields used for registration. If you want to omit a field, leave it blank. To change the name of the default field, enter the desired field name.
Registration Steps tab
This is a specialized feature and is only used in specific circumstances. If you are not familiar with or have used Registration Steps, then this may not be the feature you want to implement. If desired, you can create and customize Registration Steps. The default registration is a five-step process.
1. Click the Add New Step icon to select and customize each step.
2. Select a Register Step.
3. Customize the step, as desired and then click the Save button.
Add Custom Fields to an Event Tag
Click the Custom Fields tab to add custom fields for internal use. If you are using sub-events, you can create custom fields for the ‘main’ tag as well as the sub-events. Below is an example of how custom fields can be used to assign resources needed for an event.
The first tab listed under an Event is the Sub-Events tab. This tab is used for adding or modifying Sub-Event tags. Sub-Events tags can be added under an Event tag to track separate classes or activities that occur within the event (e.g. breakout classes or activities that require a separate sign-up).
1. Click the Add New Events icon to add a Sub-Event. The steps to create a Sub-Event are the same as creating an Event except there is not a Sub-events Enabled check box or a Sub-events Type drop-down on the Event Details tab. See the Add a New Event Tag section for details.
NOTE: Click on the Subscribe, Name, When, Active, Events, or Total Members header to sort the list of registrants by that header.
See the Subscribe to a Tag section for details on how to use the Subscribe check box.
The Registrations tab is used to manually add a registration instead of having the registration sign up using the Arena-managed external portal. The Registration is the entity responsible for fees and costs. This could be an organization such as a church, a parent, another person who is responsible for the registrants that are assigned under the Registration. The registrants represent the individuals who are going to attend the event.
The following steps walk you through adding a Registration.
1. Click the Add link to add a new registration.
2. Enter criteria to find an individual you would like to add and then click the Go button.
3. Select the individual and then click the Select button.
4. Notice that the individual is now listed on the Registrations tab. Click the Add New Registration icon to add more registrations or click the Delete
icon to remove a registration.
NOTE: Action icons are located at the bottom right-side of the Registrations tab. These icons can be used to perform a Word Mail Merge, Send Email, Send Text Message, or Export Data to Excel to help you communicate with the Registrations.
Registration Details Page
1. After a registration has been added, click on the Registration link to view the Registration Details page.
2. The Registration Details page appears. From here, you can change the Registration by clicking the Search icon. There are four tabs on this page.
•Registrants: Use this tab to display all registrants for this single registration. You can also delete existing registrants or add more registrants for a registration. (For example, to register two children by a parent, add the parent on the Registration tab then delete the parent as a registrant and add both of the children as registrants.)
•Payments: Use this tab to enter payments for each registrant for this registration.
•Communications: Use this tab to send the registration email to the registering person.
•Cost Details: Use this tab to display the payment details for each registrant.
Registrants tab
The Registrants tab displays the registrants that are assigned the Registration along with some details about each registrant such as the phone number, payment information, and any custom fields (e.g. Emergency Contact).
The following actions can be taken on this tab:
•Click the Delete icon to remove a registrant.
•Click the Registrant Name link (e.g. ) to make modifications to a registrant's registration information.
•Click the Add New Registrant icon to add more registrants under this registration.
•There are also action icons listed at the bottom which allow you to do a Word Merge , email
, or Excel export
for the registrants listed on this tab.
•Click on the Age, Gender, Home Phone, Status, Cost, Applied Payments, Difference, or Notes/Activity header to sort the list of registrants by that header.
Payments tab
The Payments tab displays your payment details and allows you to add new payments by either clicking the Add link if no payments have been added or by clicking the Add New Transaction icon if payments have been added.
This is the Transaction Detail screen where manual payments are added.
Check the Post Transaction box to post a transaction from a credit card. You can then select an existing payment method or add a new one.
Below is an example image of how the Payments tab displays after adding a payment. Notice there is also an Export to Excel icon that can be used to export your payments to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking this icon.
Export GL File
Click the Export GL File button and enter the specifications for the export file. When finished entering the specifications for the file, click the Export button to export the file.
Communications tab
Some registrants may want all the emails concerning this event be sent to a specific email address, which may not be the email address on the Person Detail page. This tab allows you to specify an email address for all communications with the registration concerning this event.
•Communication Email: Enter the event specific email (if applicable) for this registrant and then click the Save button.
•Registration Confirmation: Click the Send button to send a confirmation email to the registration. (The specifics of the Confirmation message can be modified on the Event Tag > Edit Details > Registration > Communication tab.)
Cost Details tab
The Cost Details tab displays the detail cost information for each registrant.
The Registrants tab displays all registrants regardless of which Registration they are under. The "Registered By" column lists which Registration this registrant is under.
There are filters for First Name, Last Name, and the Status check boxes. Some details about each registrant such as the phone number, payment information, and any custom fields (e.g. Emergency Contact) are listed on the grid.
The following actions can be taken on this tab:
•Click the Registrant Name link (e.g. ) to view the Registrant Details page.
•Click the Registration Name link (e.g. ) to view the Registration Details page.
•Action icons are listed at the bottom which allow you to do a Word Merge , Bulk Update
, email
, or Excel export
for the registrants listed on this tab.
•Click on the Age, Gender, Home Phone, Registered By, Status, Cost, Applied Payments, Difference, or Notes/Activity header to sort the list of registrants by that header.
Registrant Detail Page
After clicking the Registrants link, the Registrant Details page appears. The Registrant Details page lists information about the Registrant at the top of the page and there is a link to the Person Details page (e.g. ) and also a link to change the registrant (e.g.
There are 5 tabs at the bottom of the page: Sub-Events, Custom Fields, Fees/Discounts, Status/Notes, and Activity.
The Sub-Events are listed as check boxes. Check the sub-events that the registrant has select to attend.
Custom Fields
The Custom Fields tab is an optional feature to the registration process. Custom Fields are setup on the Edit Details > Registration > Fields > Custom Fields section of the Event tag. Although using Custom Fields is optional, a custom field can be marked as required.
The Event Costs, Additional Fees, and Discounts are displayed on the Fees/Discounts tab. Click the Edit icon to make changes to an Additional Fee and select a Discount as appropriate for the registrant.
The Status of a registrant is set to "Connected" automatically. You can use the drop-down to set the status to either "In Process" or "Inactive" if that is appropriate for the registrant. Enter any notes as appropriate for the registrant.
NOTE: Other Status options can be set on the Administration > Tag Member Status page by assigning the Status Category to "A". The "In Process", " Inactive" and any Status set to "A" display on Status drop-downs for Personal, Ministry, and Event tags.
Activity tab
The Activity tab displays the activity for this event that occurred in regards to the registrant. For example, when the registrant is added to the tag, an Activity Note is automatically created. Click the Add Activity Note button to add other activity information such as a phone call, email, personal correspondence, or other information.
After making any changes to the Registrants page (including the Sub-Events, Custom Fields, Fees/Discounts, Status/Notes or Activity tabs), click the Save Changes button.
The Security tab is used to control who has rights to view and edit a tag. The users and roles are listed on the Security Tab along with the Current Permissions listed on the right-hand side.
Setting up Security
Click the Edit Security button to setup or modify the security permissions for a tag.
The security access is divided into 6 check boxes: View, Edit, Edit Registration, Edit People, Edit Security, and Allow Refunds.
•View: This access allows users to the view the tag.
•Edit: This access allows users to edit the tag details.
•Edit Registration: This access allows users to edit Event Registration information. This option is only available for Event Tags.
•Edit People: This access allows users the ability to edit people in the tag.
•Edit Security: This access allows users the ability to edit security for the tag.
•Allow Refunds: This access allows users the ability to process refunds. This option is only available for Event Tags.
Each security role or user can be assigned security access independently of each other. For example, you can set the Security Role of "Staff Members" to only have View, Edit Registration, and Edit People access to an Event tag.
Or, you can set a user such as the Event Director (e.g. Mary Sanchez) to have all (View, Edit, Edit Registration, Edit People, Edit Security & Allow Refunds) rights to an event tag.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure you always have at least one user or security role in this list with at least View and Edit Security permissions. Removing all users with View permissions from this list causes this to be a "lost" tag that no one can view. And, removing the Edit Security permissions prevents you from making any further changes to the security of this tag. (If no user is able to see the edit security tab, a global administrator will need to come and fix the security.)
Cascade Permissions
Click the Cascade Permissions button to overwrite the Current Permissions on all child tags with the Current Permissions assigned to the tag you are currently viewing. After clicking the Cascade Permissions button, you can go to any of the child tags and further customize the permissions if you want.
Because child tags automatically inherit the Current Permissions of a parent tag when the child tag is being created, the Cascade Permissions feature is normally used to assure there is a consistent security on all child tags after the parent tag security has been modified.
NOTE: If you are on the last level of a tag tree, the Cascade Permissions button effectively does nothing because there are no child tags under it to cascade the permissions to.
You can use Occurrences to track attendance and meeting dates (just like Group Occurrences). A future occurrence needs to be created in order to use the on-line registration.
1. Click the Add New Occurrence icon to add a new occurrence.
2. Click the Generate Multiple Occurrences button to add multiple occurrences.
3. Below are the fields available when adding a new occurrence.
•Attendance Type: Select an Attendance Type to associate with the event. See Check-In for more information on Attendance Types. This is a required field.
•Name: Enter a name for this occurrence.
•Location: Enter the location for the event.
•Area: Select the area for the event.
•Start/End Dates: Enter the start date and end date for the event. If this is a multi-day event, create an occurrence for each day. The times display with the event on the Arena calendar.
•Check-In Location: If using Arena Check-In for the event, select a Check-In location.
•Check-In Start/End: If using Arena Check-In for the event, enter the start and end dates and times for check-in to be available for this event.
•Membership Required for Check-In: If using Arena Check-In, select this check box to limit Check-In to registrants only. Selecting this option overrides the age criteria.
•Occurrence Closed: If using Arena Check-In, select this check box to close.
•Head Count: If not using Arena Check-In, enter in a head count for this Occurrence. Head Count overrides any Attendance calculated by the system. Head Count does not affect Check-In Room Ratios.
•Notes: Enter notes for this occurrence, if desired.
Occurrence dates and times display on the Event calendar of your Arena-managed website. For more information about occurrences, see the Check-In > Occurrences page.
4. Click the Update button to save and close the window.
This tab displays a summary of occurrences for all registrants assigned to an Event tag. There are filters that control which records display on this tab.
1. Click the Filter bar to change the date range or other criteria.
2. After setting the Filter criteria, click the Apply Filter button.
3. The Attendance Summary grid lists the registrants that have been checked-in or marked as attended and match the Filter criteria specified. Click the Name link to view an abbreviated personal information page.
NOTE: Registrants can be marked with attendance on the Occurrences tab by using either the "Quick Entry" or "Manual Entry" tabs.
Action icons
Action icons are located at the bottom right-side of the Attendance Summary grid. These icons can be used to perform a Word Mail Merge, Bulk Update, Send Email, or Export Data to Excel. After selecting members from the list, click the corresponding icon.
The Transactions tab allows you to filter transactions, view the transaction details, and export the transactions to a General Ledger file (GLTRN200.txt).
Enter your filter criteria under the Filter bar heading and then click the Apply Filter button to list the corresponding transactions.
View Transaction Details
1. Click on a Transaction Date link to view the transaction details.
2. After clicking the Transaction Date, the Transaction Details page displays. Click Update button after making any changes or click the Cancel button to exit this page.
Export Transactions
Transactions for Event tags can be exported as a General Ledger file (GLTRN2000.txt). The file can then be placed in the v.5 data directory and imported into the General Ledger module when navigating to the Journal Entry page.
1. From the Transaction tab, click the Export GL File button.
2. Enter the specifications for the export file and then click the Export button when finished.
1. To add a document, click the Add Document button.
2. Specify the File location and then click the Save button.
NOTE: There are optional fields for the Type, Title, and Description.
3. After a document is added, you have the following options:
•Click the Edit icon to make changes to the Type, Title, Description, or File Location.
•Click the Delete icon to remove the document.
Considerations when using Events:
•One discount can be applied per registrant.
•Use the My Registrations module to enable the ability for registrants to make additional event payments.
Considerations when using Sub-Events:
•Each sub-event has its own name, start time, end time, etc. Only sub-events with valid/current dates are available. So if the event runs longer than a sub-event, only available sub-events display.
•Custom Fields are only available for a parent, not for the sub-events.
•Each sub-event can also have its own costs, fees, and discounts.
•You can set registrant limit for each sub-event.
•The user makes one payment for multiple events when registering.
•Sub-events cannot have sub-events. You can only create one level of sub-events.
•This feature assumes the Registration and the Registrant are the same person, e.g., Bob Smith is registering for the Men’s Conference AND two breakout (sub-events) sessions.
Considerations when using RSVP Events:
•This is a great option when you want to enable one person to register but specify if they are bringing additional people without completing a registration e-form for additional registrants.
ØPayments are accepted.
ØDiscounts are not available.
ØSub-events are not available.
•Arena adds only the person registering for the event to Arena.
•Total registrants are subtracted from the Maximum number allowed, if used.
•If the goal is to enable registration and allow one person to ‘block tickets,’ consider using an RSVP Event with the Anonymous registrant options.
•As you begin to implement Arena Event Tags for the purpose of online registration, it is beneficial to understand how Arena attempts to match event registrants with existing records:
ØArena attempts to match records based on last name, first name and birthdate, in this order.
ØIf the registrant enters a first and last name and a birthdate, Arena checks any current registrants and make sure there is not an existing record for the person. If the registrant does not enter a birthdate, this check does not happen.
ØIf the registrant enters a first and last name, Arena looks in the logged in person’s family for a matching name.
ØIf the registrant enters a birthdate that matches an existing record, Arena searches the database for someone with the same name and birthdate.
ØIf Arena finds a match and the person is not a registrant, Arena adds the record as a registrant and to the database.
ØIf Arena finds a match, Arena adds the person as a registrant and updates fields such as address, phone numbers and email addresses and birthdate. A complete MMDDYYYY date format is required for the birthdate.
Manually Add a Payment for a Registration
The following steps guide you through the process to manually add a payment for a Registration.
1. From the Tags menu, click the Event Tags option and then click on an Event link.
2. Select the Registrations tab.
3. Click the Name link for the registration that you want to process a manual payment.
4. Select the Payments tab.
5. Click the Add New Transaction icon.
6. The Transaction Details page appears. Enter the appropriate payment information and then click the Update button.
Before covering the steps to process, let’s cover some basics:
•You can apply refunds to full cost payments, not additional costs, paid via a payment gateway processor, not manual.
•You can apply a refund to exported transactions.
•For manual refunds, delete the payment.
•You cannot delete Registrations with applied payments.
•You can process multiple refunds for the event cost.
•You can also create discounts to reflect partial refunds or credits.
•You cannot export refunds of transactions that have been exported but you can make a manual entry in Shelby v.5 General Ledger after processing the refund in Arena.
The following steps guide you through the process of applying a refund to a payment made through the Member Responsive portal.
1. From the Tags menu, click the Event Tags option and then click on an Event link.
2. Click the Registrations tab.
3. Click the Name link for the registration that you want to process a refund.
4. Select the Payments tab.
5. Click on the Transaction link that you would like to refund.
6. Click the Refund button.
7. A confirmation message appears. Click the OK button to complete the refund.
Assign a Registrant to a Sub-Event Tag
The following steps guide you through the process of assigning a registrant to a sub-event tag.
1. From the Tags menu, click the Event Tags option and then click on an Event link.
2. Select the Registrants tab.
3. Click the Name link for the registrant that you want to assign to sub-events.
4. Assign the registrant to sub-events by checking the corresponding check boxes next to each appropriate sub-event. Click the Save Changes button when finished.
When you copy a tag, the Tag Details, Public Calendar Details and the Registration information is copied to a new tag with the word "(copy)" appended to the end of the tag name. The following steps guide you through the process of copying a tag.
1. From the Tags menu, click the Event Tags option.
2. Click the Copy Tag icon next to the Event tag that you would like to copy.
3. A copy of the Event Tag appears with the word "(copy)" added to the end of the name. From here, you can click the Edit Details and make any changes to the copied tag as appropriate.
Resend an Email Confirmation to a Registrant
The following steps guide you through resending an email confirmation to a registrant.
1. From the Tags menu, click the Event Tags option and then click on an Event link.
2. Click the Registrations tab.
3. Click the Name link for the registration that you want to resend an email confirmation.
4. Select the Communications tab.
5. Click the Send button next to the Registration Confirmation label. When finished, a "Confirmation was sent successfully" message appears.