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Applications > General Ledger > Reports > Designated Fund Summary





Designated Fund Summary

The Designated Fund Summary report displays the receipts, disbursements, and net monthly balances for accounts in the specified period. This report can be run for Liability and/or Capital accounts.

This report runs based on your currently selected period. Change the currently selected period to run the report on a different period (More Information).


This Section Includes:





On the Filters tab select the Account Types to display on the report: Liabilities and/or Capital. In the Account Structure area select the levels you want to include on the report. The Account Number filter allows you to further narrow down which accounts you want to display on the report. Selecting any option other than Show All displays fields so you can input the numbers.


If you see companies listed in the Account Structure filter, see General Ledger Plus for information on running reports.



On the Options tab you have several Report Options:

Banded Rows?

Print for: Period or Quarter

You may select either Receipts/Disbursements or Credits/Debits depending on how you want to report the Income/Expense accounts that close to the Liability/Net Asset accounts:

oReceipts/Disbursements looks at the Account Type to determine if it is a receipt or disbursement. When it is an Income account, all activity for that account shows under Credits/YTD Credits for the closing account. When it is an Expense account, all activity for that account shows under Debits/YTD Debits for the closing account.

oCredits/Debits ignores the Account Type. Like the Detail Ledger report, it simply shows Credits under Credits/YTD Credits, and Debits under Debits/YTD Debits.

Suppress Zero Balances

Print Account Number

Wrap Account Description

Print in Landscape

Page Break Option: none or Fund Name

Line Spacing: Single, 1.5 Line, or Double

Report Type: Regular, YTD, or YTD with Transfers and Adjustments

Available Options/Selected Options:

oOpening Balance

oCredits/Receipts YTD

oDebits/Disbursements YTD

oTransfers & Adjustments - The transfer is any journal entry made with a journal code of TR, and the adjustment is a journal entry made with a journal code of AJ.

oTransfers & Adjustments YTD - The transfer is any journal entry made with a journal code of TR, and the adjustment is a journal entry made with a journal code of AJ.

Export Option: None, CSV, or Excel


Click the Run Report button to generate a preview of the report.

Click the Clear Preferences link to reset all of your report preferences to their default values.

Click the Close Report button to return to the dashboard.

The report displays on the Report Preview page. Refer to the Report Preview help page for more information.