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Applications > Remittance > Modify > Church Information





Church Information

The Church Information page allows you to filter and modify Churches or Organizations.

This Section Includes:


ØChurch Information Grid

ØAdd New Church

Person Search

Church Information Update

Church Information Tab

Phones Tab

Emails Tab

Addresses Tab



Filters allow you to reduce the number of entries that appear on the grid. Select from the following fields.

Name: Enter the name of an church. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wild card to represent one or more characters.

Address: Enter a partial or whole address. (This queries "Address Line 1" from the Church's address record).

City: Enter a partial or whole name of a city.

Country: Select the Country from the drop-down list as appropriate for your search criteria. This can only filter by one country at a time or select "Select Country" to filter by all countries.

State/Province: Select the State from the drop-down list using your mouse or type the first letter of the state. (You can continue to press the first letter of the state to scroll through the states that start with that letter.)

Postal Code:

Alternate ID:

Conference Number Name:

Area: Enter the Area as appropriate for your organization.

Region: Enter the Region as appropriate for your organization.

District: Enter the District as appropriate for your organization.

Active Churches: Show All, Active Only, or Inactive Only

Click the  button to display the results.

Click the Clear Filters link to reset all the filters.

Church Information Grid

Churches are listed in a grid below the Add New Church link. The Name, Alternate ID, Area, Region, District, Active, and Address are displayed on the grid.

Click the Add New Church link to add a new church. The Person Search window appears. It is best to search All Applications to avoid adding a duplicate record that may already be in the system.

Click the Edit  icon to make changes to an Organization.

Click the Delete  icon to remove the Organization from the system.

Add New Church

This Section Includes:

ØPerson Search

ØChurch Information Update

ØChurch Information Tab

ØPhones Tab

ØEmails Tab

ØAddresses Tab


Click Add New Church.

Person Search  (Church):

Check the "Only Active?" box to include only those with an active status.  Select the Name in the Person Search window. By default the search text for the Name field searches for last names and organizations. To search for first and last names enter your search in the "lastname, firstname" format. You can also search by City and State. Select the customer for which you are creating the transaction and click the Select button. Alternately, click the Close link to return to the previous page without selecting anyone.

NOTE: Search for just a first name by starting your search with a comma (e.g., ", James"). Display a complete list of names by searching for just a comma. Results default to Accounts Receivable, select All Applications from the drop-down list to view all names.

Church Information Update

Type: Organization


Type: Individual


First Name

Last Name 


Church Information Tab

Date Created:


Birthdate: (If Type is Individual)

Federal Tax ID Number: (Social Security Number, if Type is Individual)


Gender: (If Type is Individual)

Alternate ID:  (e.g., GCFA)

Conference Number Name: (e.g., CCID)




Alternate Contact 1: Can be used when setting up Statement Design.

Alternate Contact 2: Can be used when setting up Statement Design.

Phones Tab

Add New Phone: Click the Add New Phone link to add to the list of phones for the church.

Phone Type: Choose from the drop-down list.

Phone Number:



When finished click the Save button to save any information that has been added or changed, or the Close link to to leave the page without saving any changes and return to the previous page you were on.

Emails Tab

Add New Email: Click the Add New Email link to add to the list of emails for the church.


Note: Type a note if desired.



When finished click the Save button to save any information that has been added or changed, or the Close link to to leave the page without saving any changes and return to the previous page you were on.

Addresses Tab

Add New Address: Click the Add New Address link to add to the list of addresses for the church.

Address Type: Choose from the drop-down list.


Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:

Postal Code:


State / Province:


When finished click the Save button to save any information that has been added or changed, or the Close link to to leave the page without saving any changes and return to the previous page you were on.


When finished click the Update button to save any information that has been added or changed, the Reset resets the page back to how it was before any changes were made to it, or the Cancel link to to leave the page without saving any changes and return to the previous page you were on.