The Positive Pay Layouts page allow you to customize the specifications for the Positive Pay file that is created when processing checks. The specifications for the Positive Pay file vary from bank to bank. When a default layout does not match the specifications for your bank, then this page can be used to customize a file layout for your bank. See the Setup Positive Pay file layout tutorial for a Step-by-Step tutorial how to setup a Positive Pay file.
This Section Includes:
ØHeader Record, Total, and Final Total Tabs
Layout Name: Enter a name that describes for file layout. For example, if you are setting up a file layout for ABC Bank, you may want to name the layout "ABC Bank format".
File Format: Select either Fixed Width or Delimited. A Fixed Width file typically has one entry per row, with each column having a fixed width (specified in characters) that determines the maximum amount of data it can contain. No delimiters are used to separate the fields in this type of file. A Delimited file contains a special character to separate one column of data from the next. Depending on whether you choose Fixed Width or Delimited will determine which of the following options display.
•Record Length\Field Delimiter: This defines the length of the record, that is the number of characters that can be contained in the width of the file.
•Field Delimiter: This is the special character used to separate the columns of data. Select either "comma" or "tab".
Record Delimiter: Records can be delimited by either a Carriage Return (CR), Line Feed (LF) or both (CR/LF). If the record is not delimited by any of these select the "none" option.
Include Decimal Point in $ Amounts?: The bank assumes the last two digits of an amount are the cents if this option is not selected.
Date Format: Select the date format from the drop-down list.
Date Separator: Select the date separator from the drop-down list.
Header Record, Total, and Final Total Tabs
NOTE: The Header, Total, and Final Total records all have the same field types available from the drop-down list.
•The Header Record is sometimes referred to as the "Reconciliation Header" or "Batch Header" in the bank specifications.
•The Total Record is sometimes referred to as the "Reconciliation Trailer" or "Trailer Record" in the bank specifications.
•If a bank uses a Final Total record, it is because they allow multiple bank accounts to be processed in one positive pay file. The Final Total record then sums all the bank account totals into one record.
# of Fields in Record: After selecting the number of fields using the drop-down, the tab auto-populates the number of standard fields you selected.
Select a field type from the drop-down list:
•StaticText: This field displays the text entered in the "Static Text" field. This field cannot be left blank.
•Filler: This field is filled with either blank space or zeros as designated by the Fill Character drop-down.
•BankRoutingNumber: This is the Bank Routing Number assigned to the bank on the Bank Account Information page - Company/Bank Info tab - Bank Account Routing # field.
•AccountNumber: Displays the Account number assigned to the bank on the Bank Account Information page - Account Information Tab - Bank Account # field.
•DateToday: Displays the date when the Positive Pay file is created.
•ItemCount: Displays the total number of detail records contained in the file.
•TotalAmount: Display the sum total for all of the detail records contained in the file.
•HashTotal: Displays the sum total of all the check numbers.
•BankNumber: Displays the Positive Pay number assigned on the Bank Account Information - Account Information tab - Positive Pay Bank Number field.
NOTE: There is a total number that displays at the bottom of the Width column. This is the total number of characters specified in all of the Width fields. This total should match the Record Length field specified if you are using Fixed Width file.
# of Fields in Record: After selecting the number of fields using the drop-down, the tab auto-populates the number of standard fields you selected.
Select a field type from the drop-down list:
•StaticText: This field displays the text entered in the "Static Text" field.
•Filler: This field is filled with either blank space or zeros as designated by the Fill Character drop-down.
•BankRoutingNumber: This is the Bank Routing Number assigned to the vendor or employee on their respective ACH Information tab.
•AccountNumber: Displays the Account number assigned to the vendor or employee on their respective ACH Information tab.
•DateToday: Displays the date when the Positive Pay file is created.
•BankNumber: This displays the Bank Account # entered on the Bank Account Information page.
•CheckNumber: The check number displays in this field.
•CheckDate: The date of the transaction displays in these fields.
•Amount: This is where the amount for the transaction is displayed.
•PayeeLastNameFirstName: This field is designated to display the entity being paid such as a vendor or employee.
•RecordType: Sometimes referred to as the "Check Issue Record", this field indicates which transaction is a check or void by using the single character designation assigned on the Bank Account Information>Update\Account Information tab in the "Record Type Check" and "Record Type Void" fields.
•PayeeAsPrintedOnCheck: This displays the Payee's name as it is printed on the check.
Click the Create Test File button after entering all the specifications for the Positive Pay file. After clicking this button, a sample file is downloaded.
Click the Reset link to reset the page back to how it was before any changes were made to it.
Click the Cancel link to leave the page without saving any changes and return to the previous page you were on.
Click the Update button to save any information that has been added or edited to the Positive Pay layout.