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Applications > Pension Billing > Modify > Organization Information





Organization Information

The Organization Information page allows you to filter and modify Organizations.

This Section Includes:


ØOrganization Information Grid

ØOrganization Information > Update

Organization Information Tab

Appointments Tab

Phones Tab

Emails Tab

Addresses Tab

Demographics Tab

Attachments Tab


Filters allow you to reduce the number of entries that appear on the grid. Select from the following fields to filter your grid.

Name: Type the first part of an organization name or enter a partial name with asterisks. (For example, you could search for Goodlett Farms Christian Church by entering "Goodlett", "Goodlett Farms", "*Farms*", "*Christian Church".)

City: Enter a partial or whole name of a city.

State: Select the State from the drop-down list using your mouse or type the first letter of the state. (You can continue to press the first letter of the state to scroll through the states that start with that letter.)

District: Select a District from the drop-down list. (This filters on the District that is assigned to the Charge that is assigned to the Organization.)

Charge: Select a Charge from the drop-down list.

Click the  button to display the results.

Click the Clear Filters link to reset all the filters.

Organization Information Grid

Organizations are listed in a grid below the  link. The name of the Organization, Charge, City/State, Membership, Handicap Accessible, Lead, and Note fields are displayed on the grid.

Click the Add New Organization link to add a new Organization. The Person Search window appears. It is best to search All Applications to avoid adding a duplicate record that may already be in the system.

Click the Edit  icon to make changes to an Organization.

Click the Delete  icon to remove the Organization from the system.

Organization Information > Update

The Organization Information > Update page allows you to enter or edit all of the information pertaining to an Organization. There are tabs for each section of the Organization record. Organizations help to organize your appointees.

An Organization is a church, parish, camp, or other organization that is associated with a Charge. Organizations are used as a structural feature when all the organizations in the charge share one pastor or minister.

This Section Includes:

ØOrganization Information Tab

ØAppointments Tab

ØPhones Tab

ØEmails Tab

ØAddresses Tab

ØDemographics Tab

ØAttachments Tab

Organization Name: Enter or edit the name of the Organization. (If you are adding a new Organization, you can click the Search  icon and search All Applications to avoid adding a duplicate record.)

Organization Information Tab

The Organization Information tab displays information assigned to an Organization and has options to modify these fields.

Employer Number: Enter the number assigned to this employer. (This field displays on the Appointee Information Report if you select the "Include Reporting Data?" check box.)

Membership: Enter the number of members in that organization.

Ethnicity: Select an Ethnicity from the drop-down list. This is an optional field. (Ethnicities can be added or modified on the Control Table Information page.)

Handicap Accessible?: Check this box if the physical location of the organization is handicap accessible. This is an optional field that can be used for your information.

Lead?: Check the box if this is a lead organization. This is an optional field. It can be used to filter organizations on the Organization Listing report.

Appointment % Type: Enter the appointment percentage type. (This field displays on the Appointee Information Report if you select the "Include Reporting Data?" check box.)


Charge: Select from the drop-down list. The other organizations assigned to the charge selected are displayed on the grid below the Charge field.

Organization grid: The organizations that have been assigned to the selected charge display in a grid below the Charge field. An example of the Organization grid is displayed below.

Appointments Tab

Appointments are listed in a grid below the  icon-link. The Start Date, End Date, Appointee, Position, Salary, and Note fields appear on the Appointments grid.

Click the  Add New Appointment icon-link to add a new Appointment. (The Add New Appointment window appears.)

Click the Edit  icon to make changes to an Appointment. (The Edit Appointment window appears.)

Click the Delete  icon to remove the Appointment from the Charge.

An example of the Appointments grid is displayed below.

Add New/Edit Appointment Window:

          Appointment Detail

Appointee: Select an Appointee from the drop-down list.

Start Date: Enter the starting date for the appointment.

End Date: Enter the ending date for the appointment or leave blank if it is an open-ended appointment.

Position: Select the Position from the drop-down list.

District: Select the District from the drop-down list.


Equitable?: Check this box if you want the HQ Support included the in the pension calculation.

NOTE: If the Equitable? box is not checked, pension is calculated using Local Salary + Housing Allowance (up to the Plan Limit). If the Equitable? box is checked, pension is calculated using Local Salary + HQ Support + Housing Allowance (up to the Plan Limit).

Local Salary: Enter the amount of monetary support this Appointee receives from the local organization(s). (Base Salary, not including HQ Support or Housing Allowance.)

HQ Support: Enter the amount of monetary support this Appointee receives from the headquarters.

Housing Allowance: Enter the Housing Allowance for this Appointee. (Money to purchase or rent a residence.)


Appointment (Pension) Detail

Bill To: Select either the Charge or the Appointee record to be invoiced when the Post Pensions process is run.

Active?: Check this box if the pension is active and should be processed. (If this box is not checked, then the appointee will not appear on the Post to Accounts Receivable page and the pension for this appointee cannot be processed.)

Non-Standard?: Check this box if you want to exclude the Pension from being re-calculated when the Pension Plan is updated.

Click the  Add New Pension icon-link to add a new Pension.

Click the Edit  icon to make changes to an existing Pension.

Click the Delete   icon to remove the Pension from the Appointment.

Add New/Edit Pension:

Type: Select the Pension Plan from the drop-down list. The Plan Percent, Plan Limit, and Annual Plan Amount fields display automatically.

Click the Apply button to save the Pension and add another pension.

Click the OK button to save the Pension and return to the Pension grid.

Click the Cancel link to return to the Pension grid without saving any changes.

Click the  button to save your changes and return to the Charge Information\Appointments tab.

Click the Cancel link to return to the Charge Information\Appointments tab without saving your changes.

Phones Tab

The Phones tab displays the phone numbers assigned to an organization and has options to modify these phone numbers.

The following options are available on the Phones tab.

Click the  link to add a new phone number.

Click the Edit  icon to modify an existing phone number.

Click the Delete  icon to remove a phone number from the system.

Click on the Phone Type, Phone Number, or Extension header to sort the list of phone numbers by that header.

Add or Edit a Phone Number:

The following fields are available when selecting to add or edit a phone number.

Phone Type: Select the phone type from the drop-down list. (Phone types can be modified on the Lookups page. To navigate there, click the Applications option from the Top menu and then select Utilities -> Lookups. Also, the order of the Phone types can be modified on the Lookups page.)

Phone Number: Enter the phone number. The phone number is automatically formatted when your cursor leaves the Phone Number field. For example, if you enter "9015551234", the number is automatically formatted to display "(901) 555-1234".

ext.: Enter the phone number extension (optional).

Unlisted: This check box is informational. Selecting this option does not prevent the phone number from printing on reports.

SMS: This check box is informational.


All phone numbers must have an Area Code. If a phone number is entered without an area code (7-digits), then the default area code is added automatically.

The default area code is specified on the Utilities > Organization page. To navigate there, click the Applications option from the Top menu and then select Utilities -> Organization.


Click the  button to save your changes and return to the Phones tab.

Click the Close link to return to the Phones tab without saving your changes.

Emails Tab

The Emails tab displays the email addresses assigned to an organization and has options to modify these email addresses.

The following options are available on the Emails tab.

Click the  link to add a new email address.

Click the Edit  icon to modify an existing email address.

Click the Delete  icon to remove an email address from the system.

Hover over the Note  icon to display the text stored in the Note field.

Add or Edit an Email Address:

The following fields are available when selecting to add or edit an email address.

Email: Enter an email address. The email address must be formatted correctly using the "@" symbol and a period.

Note: Enter a Note (optional). Entering a note causes the Note  icon to display on the Emails tab.

Active: Only Active Email Addresses are used for contacting the organization and for reporting purposes.

Preferred: Only one email address can be designated as the Preferred email address. The Preferred Email address displays at the top of the List of Emails grid. It is used by the system to contact the organization and for reporting purposes.


If the Preferred email address is not marked Active, the system defaults to using the next available Active email address listed on the List of Emails grid.


Click the  button to save your changes and return to the Emails tab.

Click the Close link to return to the Emails tab without saving your changes.

Addresses Tab

The Addresses tab displays the addresses assigned to an organization and has options to modify these addresses.

The following options are available on the Addresses tab.

Click the  link to add a new address.

Click the Edit  icon to modify an existing address.

Click the Delete  icon to remove an address from the system.

Click on the Address Type, or Address header to sort the list of addresses by that header.

Add or Edit an Address:

The following fields are available when selecting to add or edit an address.

Address Type: Select the address type from the drop-down list.

Address Line 1: Enter the first line of the address.

Address Line 2: Enter the second line of the address (Optional).

Postal Code: Enter the Postal Code/Zip Code.

City: Enter the name of the City.

State: Select the State from the drop-down list using your mouse or type the first letter of the state. (You can continue to press the first letter of the state to scroll through the states that start with that letter.)

Country: Select the Country from the drop-down list.

Primary: Only one address can be designated as the Primary address. The Primary address displays on grids and is used by the system to contact the organization and for reporting purposes.


The Address Types and the Country drop-down options can be modified on the Lookups page. To navigate there, click the Applications option from the Top menu and then select Utilities -> Lookups.

Also, the order of the Address types and Countries can be modified on the Lookups page.


Click the  button to save your changes and return to the Addresses tab.

Click the Close link to return to the Addresses tab without saving your changes.

Demographics Tab

The Demographics tab displays optional fields that can be used for your information.

Date Created: Displays the date that this Organization was created in the system.

Federal Tax ID Number


Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab allows you to attach files accessible from your device or to scan image files using the Scanner.Client.exe program. See the Attachments Help Page for detailed information regarding the attachments feature.

Click the  button to save any information that has been added or edited to the Organization record.

Click the Reset link to reset the page back to how it was before any changes were made to it.

Click the Cancel link to leave the page without saving any changes and return to the previous page you were on.