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Applications > Insurance Billing > Modify > Preferences






The Preferences page allows you to modify the Insurance types and select how to invoice the employer. Examples of Insurance Types include Health, Dental, and Vision but may also include Auto, Fire, or any other kind of insurance that you would like to bill. Use this page to add, modify, or delete insurance types.

This Section Includes:

ØInsurance Types Grid

ØNew/Edit Insurance Types

Invoice Employer for each Employee/Participant? Select this check box if you want a separate invoice created for each employee when running the Post to Accounts Receivable option. If this is unchecked, then one invoice per employer is created (with each employee being represented as a detail line within that invoice).

Insurance Types Grid

Insurance Types are listed in a grid below the  icon-link. Both the name of the Insurance Type and the Active status displays on the grid.

Click on the Insurance Type header to reorder the insurance types ascending or descending in alpha-numeric order.

Click the  Add New Insurance Type icon-link to add a new Insurance Type.

Click the Edit  icon to change the Insurance Type description or change the Active status.

Click the Delete  icon to remove the Insurance Type from the system. (The Delete icon no longer appears next to an Insurance Type after the Insurance Type has been assigned to an Insurance Plan on the Plan Information page.)

Add New/Edit Insurance Types

The following fields appear when either adding a new or editing an existing Insurance Type.

Name: Enter the type of insurance you are wanting to bill such as "Health", "Dental", or "Vision". Do not enter the actual insurance provider name. The insurance provider is entered on the Plan Information page.

Active?: This box is checked by default. If an Insurance Type is inactive, it will not be available on the Plan Information page. An example of an Insurance Type that is not active is an Insurance Type that is no longer used for kept in the system for historical purposes.

Add New/Edit Type Election:

When adding a new Insurance Type, the system auto-populates the Election Type grid with Individual, Plus One, and Family.

Click the  Add New Type Election icon-link to add a new election.

Click the Edit  icon to make changes to the election.

Click the Delete  icon to remove the election from the system. (The Delete icon no longer appears next to an election after the election has been assigned to a Rate Plan on the Plan Information page.)

Click the  button to save your changes to an insurance type.

Click the Cancel link to close the Election area without saving any changes.

Click the  button to save any information that has been added or edited to the Preferences page.

Click the Reset link to reset the page back to how it was before any changes were made to it.

Click the Cancel link to leave the page without saving any changes and return to the previous page you were on.