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Applications > Loan Processing > Reports > Lists






The Lists report allows you to print loan reporting data in various formats for all or selected account types.

This Section Includes:

ØReport Preferences

Report Preferences

Select the Report Type:

Master List: Displays the Customer, Loan, Inception, and Balloon Dates (if applicable), Pay/Year, Interest Rate, Number of Payments, Total Amount, Payment Amount, Down Payment, Type of Loan, Financed Amount, Paid Principal, and Remaining Amount for each loan included on the report. Any additional prepaid principal included as part of the Paid Principal column is noted at the bottom of the report. If the Print Detail for Billings and Payments option is selected, all detail (payments, etc.) for each loan is printed as well as Final Totals.

Schedule: Displays the Loan Number, Customer, Last Payment date, Interest Outstanding, Payments Received, Principal Reduction, Interest Charge, Balance Due, and Loan Advance for each loan included on the report.

Schedule for Month: Displays the same information as the Schedule report type but you can select the Month/Year for Schedule.

Trial Balance: Select the Trial Balance Option of Principal or Interest along with the Date Range for the report. The Loan Number, Customer, Beginning Balance, Payments, Ending Balance, Interest (or Principal) Balance, and Principal and Interest Balance display for each loan included on the report. The Beginning and Ending Balance apply to your Principal or Interest selection. The Interest Balance column displays when running a report on Principal and vice versa.

There are a few additional filters:

First Payment Date: Select the first payment date range from which you want to view loan information. Additional date filters may appear depending on what option you choose.

Account Type: Select Show All or the the account type from which you wish to display loan information.

Loan Selection: Select All or Selected which brings up a grid where you can select which loans on which you wish to report.

Click the Run Report button to generate a preview of the report.

Click the Clear Preferences link to reset all of your report preferences to their default values.

Click the Close Report button to return to the dashboard.

The report displays on the Report Preview page. Refer to the Report Preview help page for more information.