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Applications > Deposits on Hand > Enter > Transaction






Enter Transactions allows you to enter Deposits on Hand transactions. Search for the Depositor on the Person Search window. By default the search text for the Name field searches for last names and organizations. To search for first and last names enter your search in the "lastname, firstname" format. You can also search by City and State. Click the Depositor and click the Select button. Alternately, click the Close link to return to the previous page without selecting a user.

NOTE: Search for just a first name by starting your search with a comma (e.g., ", James"). Display a complete list of individuals by searching for just a comma. 

Use the drop-downs to select the Account Type and Account Number of the transaction. All open accounts for the selected Depositor are listed. The Account Name and Balance before this are also displayed.


This Section Includes:

ØTransaction Tab

ØAttachments Tab

ØNote Tab

Transaction Tab

For Transaction Type you have five options:

Deposit: Deposits money into an account (CD, IRA, Savings).

Withdrawal: Withdraws money from an account and generates a check in Accounts Payable. Any withdrawal penalty is indicated when you click the Update button to save the transaction.

Adjustment: Adjusts the account balance. A positive amount is a "deposit adjustment" and a negative amount is a "withdrawal adjustment." These transactions show up in the General Ledger as DH type entries with the word Adjustment in the line description. Adjustment transactions do not show up in Bank Account Management.

Deposit-Interest: Posts an interest adjustment. This option creates a transaction adding to the deposit account balance in General Ledger and charging the interest expense account specified on the account.

Penalty: Manually posts a withdrawal penalty to the account. This options creates a transaction decreasing the deposit account balance in General Ledger and charging the penalty expense account specified on the account.


Your available options vary according to the account and account type settings. If your account type does not allow additional deposits then after the initial deposit you do not have a Deposit option. If your account type does not allow early withdrawals then you do not have a Withdrawal option.


Select the Date and then Type the Amount. Type the Check # if applicable.


The Has this withdrawal already been paid out option is available when the Transaction Type is set to Withdrawal. Select this option when you have already paid out the withdrawal and so do not need to generate a check in Accounts Payable. Enter the Check # used to pay out the withdrawal.


Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab allows you to attach files accessible from your device or to scan image files using the Scanner.Client.exe program. See the Attachments Help Page for detailed information regarding the attachments feature.

Note Tab

Enter a note in the field provided if you wish.

When finished click the Apply button to save changes to your transaction and start entering another, the Update button to save changes to your transaction and return to the Unposted Transactions page, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time the page was updated, or the Cancel link to return to the Unposted Transactions page without saving your changes.