Manage Requests allows you to create, edit, and view Purchasing Management Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and Check Requests.
This Section Includes:
ØPrint Purchase Orders and Check Requests
In the Filters area select your Type: View All , Requisitions, Purchase Orders, or Check Requests. If you select Requisitions you can specify additional options to view items Awaiting My Approval Next, Awaiting My Approval, and/or Not Approved, Rejected, and Voided. If you select Purchase Orders or Check Requests you can select to view Open and/or Closed items.
There are several other options available in the in Filters area:
•Requisition #: Enter in all or part of the requisition number for which you are searching. Any requisition with those numbers displays (for example, searching for '42' displays Requisition numbers '42', '142', and '16428').
•Purchase Order # / Check Request #: Selecting any option other than Show All displays field(s) so you can input the number(s).
•Vendor: Select the Vendor by clicking the (not set) link or the Search icon. This displays the Person Search window. By default the search text for the Name field searches for last names and organizations. To search for first and last names enter your search in the "lastname, firstname" format. You can also search by City and State. Select the vendor for which you are creating the transaction and click the Select button. Alternately, click the Close link to return to the previous page without selecting a vendor.
NOTE: Search for just a first name by starting your search with a comma (e.g., ", James"). Display a complete list of vendors by searching for just a comma.
•Ship To: Select the Ship To vendor by clicking the (not set) link or the Search icon. This displays the Person Search window. By default the search text for the Name field searches for last names and organizations. To search for first and last names enter your search in the "lastname, firstname" format. You can also search by City and State. Select the vendor for which you are creating the transaction and click the Select button. Alternately, click the Close link to return to the previous page without selecting a Ship To vendor.
•Approval Path: Select all, None, or any number of approval paths.
•Date Issued: Select the issue date time frame from which you want to view items. Additional date filters may appear depending on what option you choose.
•Date Requested: Select the requested date time frame from which you want to view items. Additional date filters may appear depending on what option you choose.
The Advanced area gives even more filter options:
•Agent: Select Not Filtered, Select all, or any number of Agents.
•Issued To: Select Not Filtered, Select all, or any number of Users by whom the requests were entered.
•Shipping: Select Not Filtered, Select all, or any number of Shipping methods.
•Rejected Reason: Options include Select all and every reason given for rejecting a request.
•Project: Options include Select all and every project that has been selected on a request.
•Levels: You have one filter for each level active in your account structure.
•Account Range
•Users: Options include Select all and every user who has set up a request.
Click the Search button to display results or the Clear Filters link to reset all filters.
Purchase Order Requests submitted through the Portal by users with rights to an Approval Path show up under that Approval Path.
Purchase Order Requests submitted through the Portal by users without rights to an Approval Path have an Approval Path of None. You need to assign a valid Approval Path in order to move these requests forward in the approval process. To do this, select an Approval Path filter of None along with any other filters you wish to use. When you click the Search button, your Portal requests display. Open these Requisitions and assign them a valid Approval Path. They can then be approved through the normal process. |
The grid displays transactions matching the selected filters with the following columns:
•Req #
•PO/CkRq #
•Date Issued
•Issued To
•Note: Hover over the Note icon to preview the note.
•Attach: Hover over the Attach icon to see any notes on the attachment(s) and the filenames of attached files.
•Setup: Hover over the Information icon to display user and time information for when the transaction was set up and last updated.
Double-click on a request or click the Edit icon to edit a request in the grid. Click the Copy
icon to make a copy of a request. You can also click the Add New Request link to add a new Request (More Information). Click the Delete
icon by a request in the grid to be prompted to delete that transaction.
You can only delete requisitions. Check Requests and Purchase Orders cannot be deleted. |
You can print a list of Requisitions, Purchase Orders, or Check Requests. Select the items you wish to click the click the Print List button.
Requisitions print a Request List report after clicking the Print button.
Requisitions can print on PO Forms after clicking the Print button if you select the Print Request on PO Form check box located on the Company Information page. |
Click Report Preferences on the blue bar above the report preview to access options for the report. Select the Report Format:
•Detail: This PO & Check Request List report displays all detail for each selected item along with a combined Total, Applied, and Outstanding for all selected items.
•Summary: This PO & Check Request List report displays the following columns along with a final Total for each selected item: Requisition #, PO/CkRq#, Vendor, Date Issued, Issued To, and Outstanding.
You can also select any of the following report options:
•Print Vendor Address
•Print Approvals
•Print Account Summaries
•Print Notes
•Print Setup Information
If you have changed the selected options click the Run Report button to display an updated report preview. You may also click the Clear Preferences link to reset all of your report preferences to their initial values. Once the preview displays you can navigate the pages, export to several formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, Word), and Print. Click Report Preferences on the blue bar above the report preview to return to Report Preferences. Click the Close Report button when finished to return to the Manage Requests page.
Print Purchase Orders / Print Check Requests
Select the Purchase Orders or Check Requests that you would like to print and click the Print Purchase Orders / Print Check Requests button. A pop-up window displays your Purchase Orders or Check Requests in the format you selected in Company Information (More Information).
Make sure to allow pop-ups from your site in the settings of your browser. |
Once a Requisition is created and approved by its initial creator, an email is sent by the program to the next name on the Approval Path (depending on settings within Company Information). This email is in a condensed format that is easily viewable on tablet or mobile screens.
The Vendor is shown, along with the Requisition #, Date, and Amount. Click the Approve button to approve the Requisition or the Reject button to reject the Requisition. The Approve button takes you to the Requests -Approve page on your site (More Information). The Reject button takes you to the Requests - Reject page on your site (More Information). Both of these pages are designed to be easily viewed on a mobile or tablet screen.
The email also contains an alert message if the requisition contains any accounts that are over budget or the requisition would put them over budget. |
Requests - Approve allows you to approve a Requisition. The only way to access this page is to click the Approve link in an email generated from Purchasing Management. The Company, Vendor, Purchase Order Date, Requisition Number, and Order Total are displayed.
Enter a Note if desired and then click the Approve button to approve the Requisition or the View Request to access the Requests - Update page where you can view and edit the Requisition.
Requests - Reject allows you to reject a Requisition. Requests - Reject allows you to reject a Requisition. The only way to access this page is to click the Reject link in an email generated from Purchasing Management. The Company, Vendor, Purchase Order Date, Requisition Number, and Order Total are displayed.
Enter a Note if desired and specify the Reject Reason. You can then click the Reject button to reject the Requisition or the View Request link to access the Requests - Update page where you can view and edit the Requisition.