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Applications > Payroll > Reports > W2s






The W2s report allows you to print form W-2 for all or selected employees as well as the W-3 for your company. You can print on standard preprinted forms or on blank NELCO forms and reprint W-2s as needed.

This Section Includes:

ØReport Preferences

Company Info.

W3 Contact Info

Electronic File Info.


ØSpecial Instructions for Box 12 Code FF

Report Preferences

Choose the preferences for running the W2s.

Calendar Year - Select the year from which you wish to print W-2s.

Report Type: select from the following options:

oEdit List - The Edit List allows you to review your W-2 detail for each employee before generating the forms themselves. The Edit List of W2s displays all box detail and state/county/local tax information.

For information on adjusting an employee's W2 for Box 1, Box 16, or Box 3 and 5, refer to the Adjusting W2s page. For information on adjusting an employee's W2 for Box 12 DD, refer to the Employer Paid Health Care Value page.

oUes E-File Service - The Efile option allows you process your W-2s online using E-File. The new service files your Federal and State forms, mails W-2 forms to employees, and even emails links so individuals can access their forms online. Use the Employees filter if you want to run W-2s for certain employees. You can then enter or verify the information on the Company Info tab.

Click the Run Report button to display a window informing you that you will be redirected to manage your e-filing. A pop up window opens allowing you to log in or create an account to use E-File. Once logged in, follow the on-screen instructions to select and pay for services, use selected options (such as emailing employees a link to their W-2), and file your W-2s. The How to use E-file with Financials document is available for more detailed information concerning the E-File process.

Click the Check Filing Status link to bring up the E-File site where you can check the filing status of existing submissions.


Enable pop-ups from your site or the window for E-File will not display.

oPrint W2s

oCreate File for Electronic Submission


You must specify the Federal Tax ID Number in Employer Information or the only Report Type you are able to select is the Edit List.


Sort Order:


oHome Department

Form Type:

oBlank NELCO Forms: This option generates PDFs of NELCO forms for your W-2 and W-3 (if selected) and data only for the preprinted W-2A and W-3A form. If you select the option to Print Federal Copy A and W3 copy A to blank paper then all forms are generated as NELCO forms.

oPrint Federal Copy A and W3 copy to blank paper?

oPreprinted Forms - This option generates PDFs of data only for preprinted forms.

Form to Print:


o2 Up

Include W3 with W2s?

Combine companies with same EIN?

Employees - Select the employees if you want to run W-2s for certain employees.

Company Info:

Verify the company demographic information.

Company Name

Address Line 1

Address Line 2




Phone Number

W3 Contact Info:

Kind of Employer:

oNone apply

o501c non-govt

oState/local non-501c

oState/local 501c

oFederal govt.

Contact Name

Contact Email Address

Contact Phone Number

Contact Fax Number

Signature Title for Form W-3.


Electronic File Info.:


Selecting the Report Type "Create File for Electronic Submission option activates the Electronic File Info. tab. Fill out the options below before clicking the Run Report button.

User Id: The Social Security Administration (SSA) requires that you obtain a User ID (formerly known as a PIN number), which must be renewed each year. You may obtain your User ID by calling 1-800-772-6270 or by visiting their web page at https://www.ssa.gov/employer. You should also download the ACCUWage or ACCUW2C programs to verify that the data within the file is correct according to the SSA requirements.

Resubmitting your W2?: Select "Yes" or "No" from the drop-down list.

oWFID: Enter the Wage File Identifier.

Contact Name: Enter the Contact Name for your organization.

Contact Email Address: Enter the email address for the contact person at your organization.

Phone Number: Enter your organizations phone number.

Contact Fax Number: Enter your organizations fax number.

Preferred Contact Method: Select whether you prefer to be contacted by "Email/Internet" or by the "Postal Service".

Company Terminated this Year?: Select "Yes" or "No" from the drop-down list.

Tax Jurisdiction Code?: Select the Tax Jurisdiction Code from the drop-down list.


Click the Run Report button to generate a preview of the report.

Click the Clear Preferences link to reset all of your report preferences to their default values.

Click the Close Report button to return to the dashboard.

The report displays on the Report Preview page. Refer to the Report Preview help page for more information.

Special Instructions for Box 12 code FF

Starting January 1, 2017 employers with less than 50 employees can offer employees a reimbursement for medical insurance that provides minimum essential coverage (MEC). There are a number of requirements and regulations that should be considered before deciding to provide this non-taxable benefit. If you did comply with the required notices on or before March 12, 2017 then you can use Shelby Next Financials to add the required FF code in box 12 of the W2. For 2018 tax year, notices have to be provided at least 90 days before the start of the new year.

Instructions for adding required information on employee's W2 are the same as the the instructions for adjusting the Employer Paid Health Care Value on a W2 except you use a custom distribution. Below is a summary of the steps:

1.          Modify > Employer Information: Verify that the Non-Cash Clearing Account is correct.

2.          Modify > Compensation Information: Add a New Compensation and Distribution named "Qualified Health Reimbursement Arrangements" and assign the same account number that was used for the Non-Cash Clearing Account.

3.          Enter > Manual Check: Use this new distribution to process manual checks for each employee. (When posted, these manual checks adjust Box 12 - code FF on the employee's W2.)

Refer to the image below for selecting the correct options when creating the new compensation and distribution.