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Applications > General Ledger > Reports > Statement of Financial Position





Statement of Financial Position

The Statement of Financial Position report allows you to print a statement of the balances for your balance sheet accounts (Asset, Liability, and Capital).

This Section Includes:



ØColumnar By Period

ØColumnar By Fund

ØPre-defined Formats & Custom Reports




This report runs based on your currently selected period. Change the currently selected period to run the report on a different period (More Information).


On the Filters tab select which levels you want to include.


If you see companies listed in the Account Structure filter, see General Ledger Plus for information on running reports.



The Options tab lets you customize the Report Name and gives you several options:

Suppress Zero Balances

Print Account Number

Show Sub Accounts

Only Show Current Balance for Each Net Asset Item

Print in Landscape

Print Totals Only

Wrap Description

Columnar By Period

Columnar By Fund

Pre-defined formats

You can select to print your report using one of three methods: Columnar by Period, Columnar by Fund, Pre-defined formats, or a custom report. You can also select a pre-defined format as a starting point and further customize the output of the report.

Columnar By Period

This option prints a consolidated statement of financial position by period for the different levels of your account structure.

Columnar By Fund

This option displays a column for each selected fund on the Filters tab and displays totals for each balance sheet account in each fund. When this option is selected the Pre-defined formats drop-down list and columnar options are not available.

Pre-defined Formats & Custom Reports

There are several pre-defined formats to choose from:

Current Year Only: Prints only current year balances.

Current & prior year: Prints current and prior year balances.

Current & prior month: Prints current year and last month's balances.

Current & beginning of year: Prints current, beginning of year, and the difference.

2 year comparison: Prints the current year and prior year information (including FYE for prior year).

3 year comparison: Prints the current year and prior year information (including FYE for prior 2 years).

4 year comparison: Prints the current year and prior year information (including FYE for prior 3 years)

5 year comparison: Prints the current year and prior year information (including FYE for prior 4 years)

6 year comparison: Prints the current year and prior year information (including FYE for prior 5 years)

7 year comparison: Prints the current year and prior year information (including FYE for prior 6 years)


Accounts that do not exist in the current year do not print on the report.


You can also customize what you want to display on the report by using your mouse to drag options horizontally between Available Options and Selected Options. You can also drag options vertically to re-order the Selected Options column. We recommend you drag items between the columns rather than using the ">>" and "<<" buttons since those buttons move all items.


NOTE: The Available Option labeled "Diference" simply shows the difference between the previous two columns.


Click the Run Report button to generate a preview of the report.

Click the Clear Preferences link to reset all of your report preferences to their default values.

Click the Close Report button to return to the dashboard.

The report displays on the Report Preview page. Refer to the Report Preview help page for more information.


Drill Down


Click any total on the report to display the Posted Journals page in a new browser tab. This page displays all the journal detail that comprises the total you click. Capital account totals do not have the Drill Down function. Liability accounts used as closing accounts have the Drill Down function but the Posted Journals page only displays amounts posted directly to the accounts.


Note: The Drill Down functionality only applies to 'Actual' columns. In addition, percentage based columns do not have this feature.