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Applications > General Ledger > Modify > Account Structure





Account Structure

Modify Account Structure allows you to set up the structure of your chart of accounts.

This Section Includes:

ØModify Account Structure

ØAccount Structure Grid

Modify Account Structure

Click the Settings link to select how you want your structure to be set up. There are three levels in the Balance Sheet section and three levels in the Budgeted section. Both sections are hierarchal: in order to select a higher level you must select the level below it. The Balance Sheet section contains Region, Fund Group, and Fund and the Budgeted section contains Location, Cost Center, and Department. Each of the level descriptions can be customized (up to 25 characters in length).

Select the Account Length (up to 15 digits) and specify if you want to Use Sub-Accounts. Click the Save button to save all changes, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time the page was updated, or the Cancel link to return to the main Account Structure page without saving.

NOTE: Changing the Account Length prompts you to add (or remove) zeros from the left or right of account numbers. You are not able to reduce the length if enough zeros are unable to be removed from the side you select.

Account Structure Grid

The Expand All button completely expands the grid, while the Collapse All button collapses it down to the top level depending on options chosen under the Settings link.  Click the Add New (level) button above the grid to add top level structure (e.g., Add New Fund) or by any level in the grid to add the next level down. Example: Clicking the plus sign by a fund when you only are using funds and departments prompts you to add a new department under that fund.

When adding a new level, you can specify the Number, Name, and whether the level is Active. When adding or editing a Fund you can also specify the Default Closing Account.


If a Fund does not have a Default Closing Account, the next Closing Account you specify on an Income or Expense Account is set as the default and applied to any remaining Income or Expense accounts lacking a Closing Account.


You can also select to Copy from another equivalent level (e.g., adding a new Fund allows you to copy levels and accounts from an existing fund with the same structure). You can choose to copy inactive levels and accounts as well.

NOTE: You can only copy from levels with the exact same account structure.


When choosing to Copy Inactive Levels or Copy Inactive Accounts to a new level you can either keep the inactive levels or accounts inactive or make them all active. Even if you choose to make the copied levels and/or accounts active in the newly created level they remain inactive in the level from which you are copying them.



Click the pencil by any level in the grid to edit that level. This allows you to change the Number, Name, and specify if the level is Active. Click the Update button to save your changes or the Cancel link to return to the Account Structure page. 


Click the Delete  icon by any level to be prompted to remove that level. You can only remove levels that have no activity.