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Budget Information > Update

The Budget Information - Update page allows you to edit the budget of the selected account. There are three tabs: Details, Attachments, and Note

This Section Includes:

ØDetails Tab

ØAttachments Tab

ØNote Tab

Details Tab

Click the Column and Graph Options link to add historical information to the grid and/or graph. You can hover over the Graph  icon to view graphical representations of budget information for the selected account. Select how you want to Distribute Budget and then input that information into the Annual Amount field or the grid (depending on how you are distributing the budget).


Both Income and Expense budget amounts are normally entered as positive numbers. Since Income accounts are Credit Balance accounts, the budgets are automatically stored as negative amounts so that reports are calculated correctly. All budget amounts entered as positive display as positive for ease of viewing. Amounts can be entered as negative if needed. 


Annual: General Ledger divides the amount entered in the Annual Amount evenly by the number of periods your company uses.

By Period: Enter the amount for each period and General Ledger calculates the annual budget.

By Prior Year %: Enter in the Annual Amount and General Ledger distributes amounts in the same percentages by period as last year's actual totals. This option can only be used if prior year information exists.

By Prior Budget %: Enter in the Annual Amount and General Ledger distributes amounts according to the percentages from the prior budget. This option can only be used if a prior budget existed.

By Defined %: Enter in the Annual Amount and then enter the budget percent for each period.

NOTE: You may budget different accounts using any of the distribution methods.

Use the Column and Graph Options link to add columns to the grid. Hovering over the Graph  icon shows graphical representations of budget information as selected within the Column and Graph Options.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab allows you to attach files accessible from your device or to scan image files using the Scanner.Client.exe program. See the Attachments Help Page for detailed information regarding the attachments feature.

Note Tab

Enter a note in the field provided if you wish.

Click the Next button to go to the next account or the Previous button to go to the previous account. Click the Done button to save your budget changes, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time the page was updated, or the Cancel link to return you to the main Budget Information page.