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Applications > Accounts Payable > Modify > Distribution Information





Distribution Information

Modify Distribution Information allows you to set up distributions you can use when entering invoices. You may have invoices that need to be charged to different General Ledger account numbers based on a percentage of the total amount of the invoice. Here you can define the account numbers and the percentage to be charged to each account. The percent total must equal 100%.

This Section Includes:


ØDistribution Grid

ØDistribution Information > Update

Details Tab

Note Tab


In the Filters area you can filter the grid by Name. Click the Search button to display the results or the Clear Filters link to reset all filters.

Distribution Grid

The grid displays distributions matching the selected filters with the following columns:


Note: Hover over the Note  icon to preview the note.

Setup: Hover over the Information  icon to display user and time information for when the distribution was set up and last updated.

Double-click on a distribution or click the Edit  icon to edit a distribution in the grid. Click the Add New Distribution link to add a new distribution (More Information). Click the Delete  icon by an existing distribution to be prompted to delete that distribution.

Distribution Information > Update

Distribution Information - Update allows you to create a distribution or edit an existing distribution. Enter the Description for the distribution. There are two available tabs: Details and Note.


This Section Includes:

ØDetails Tab

ØNote Tab


Details Tab


The Details tab is where you put the distribution detail. In the grid the following columns display for each record:

Account Structure






Click the Delete  icon to delete a record from the grid, the Edit  icon to edit a record, or click the Add New Record link. Enter in your level information according to your account structure. Enter the Account # and a Description for the line. You can also select a Project and select from the following 1099 status options:



Misc. Box 1 - Rents

Misc. Box 2 - Royalties

Misc. Box 3 - Other Income

Misc. Box 4 - Federal Income Tax withheld

Misc. Box 5 - Fishing boat proceeds

Misc. Box 6 - Medical and health care payments

Misc. Box 8 - Substitute payments in lieu of dividends or interest

Misc. Box 13 - Excess golden parachute payments

Misc. Box 14 - Nonqualified deferred compensation

Misc. Box 15 - State Tax withheld

NEC Box 1 - Nonemployee compensation

NEC Box 4 - Federal Income Tax withheld

NEC Box 5 - State Tax withheld

Retirement - R - Used for non-taxable retirement.

Retirement - R2 - Used for taxable retirement

Retirement - R3 - Used for capital gains.

Retirement - R4 - Used for Federal tax withheld from retirement.

Retirement - R5

Retirement - R9

Click the icon or press "s" in any field with the Search  icon to display a Search window. Use the filter at the top to narrow down your selection. In the Account Search window you can also specify the Account Type in a drop-down list. You can then double-click the item you want to select or click the item and click Select. Click the Cancel  to return to the Update page without making a selection.

Enter the Percent to apply to the selected account. Keep in mind that the total of all entered records must equal 100%. Click the Apply button to save the record and begin adding a new record, the OK button to save the new record to the distribution, or the Close link to return to the Update page without saving changes to the record.


Note Tab


Enter a note in the field provided if you wish.

When finished click the Update button to save changes to your distribution and return to the Distribution Information page, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time the page was updated, or the Cancel link to return to the Distribution Information page without saving your changes.