Take Your VBS Online Webinar, Worship Planning
Announcement, Accept Online Payments Next School Year & more!
We hope that you enjoy reading our newsletter each month
as we keep you "in the know" regarding our platforms and
services. In addition to a couple of big announcements, June's edition
includes some tips that we hope help as you re-open your church and
reconnect with your congregation.
In this month's newsletter we’ll
- Worship Planning
- Two Big MinistryOne
- Software Tips for
Re-Opening Your Church
- Take your VBS Online
- Maintaining Giving
Throughout the Year
- Background Checks are Still
- Accept Online Payments Next
School Year
- Hosted Services Status Page
- ShelbyNews Archives
- MPower20
We are here to serve you as you serve in your ministry.
Have a blessed day and enjoy the newsletter!
Steve Pruitt
General Manager, Shelby Systems
Worship Planning Announcement
Psst...Want to know a secret?
Soon, we'll be introducing a cloud-based planner that integrates with your
church management software. You'll get to enjoy features like volunteer
scheduling, automatic text and email confirmations, worship flow editor,
a song organizer, and so much more. To stay updated as we roll out this
new platform, click below.
Two Big MinistryOne Announcements
MinistryOne Church App is Now FREE!!!
powerful church app, MinistryOne, is now
included with your giving account at no additional cost. If you were
paying for MinistryOne, effective 5/1/2020, we started waiving that fee.
If you're using the giving-only version of MinistryOne as your ShelbyNext
Giving App, you can now activate the full-featured version for free.
Church App Now includes a Member Directory
extending MinistryOne's integration with ShelbyNext Membership,
connecting your congregation with a church directory is easier than ever.
Watch the below 'Membership Directory Setup' video to see what it looks
like and how it works.
4 Steps to Set Up Your Church App with MinistryOne
MinistryOne Training Webinar
Membershp Directory Setup
Software Tips
for Re-Opening Your Church
Use the newly added Last Contribution Date in the Advanced
Search along with Last Attended Date to identify those who may need to be
reconnected as you begin to move back to having in person worship
Forms to help register members for limited size services with running
tallies right in the Form. Connect these to Groups in your ShelbyNext
Membership to keep track of who committed to come, then you Check-in to
track who actually came as an additional layer of security.
Reopening Church: Touchless Tech for a Safer Reopening -
Take Your VBS Online Webinar
Plan and host a fun and engaging virtual Bible learning
Maintaining Giving Throughout the Year
A Solution for Disruption
Disruption…boy, have we all felt that this year! Our
churches are used to some attendance and giving fluctuation seasonally,
but this has been like nothing this generation of church leaders has
seen. Many of our churches were thrust into a digital space, ready or
not. This digital space is probably not temporary, either. More
messages of hope and truth are available than ever before and in more
formats. Not only did delivery of the message change, but the way
churches receive has changed.
Click below to read the full article!
Background Checks are still Important
Accept Online Payments Next School Year
It is
easy to start using ShelbyNext Giving to accept online payments. Accounts
Receivable already has a portal built and ready for you to activate. As
soon as you create an invoice, it appears in the Portal. Your parents, or
whoever pays the bills, then simply log into your existing website, see
their current charges, and enter the amounts they want to pay.
payments automatically appear under Manage > Payment Processing ready
for you to post to General Ledger.
And, you have
made it easy for the parents of your students to keep track of all fees
and purchases. This approach also saves having to send statements, except
for those who might be a bit slow paying.
Hosted Services Status Page
Alerts and service status updates for our hosted solutions
are made available through our Hosted Services Status page.
can access our Hosted Services State page via the Shelby Community
top navigation.
newsletters can now be accessed in the Shelby Community.
Due to the
recent events related to the Coronavirus, MPower20 has been
re-scheduled for October 13-14. Given the uncertainties in the days
ahead, MPower20 will be a virtual event for this year. Be on the lookout
for more information.
Visit: mpowerconference.com
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