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The Donors section of your Control Panel serves as a one-stop-shop to add, edit, and view donor profiles.

Here you can locate donor records, view a donor’s total transactions, make edits to donor profiles (Name, Address, etc.) or view/edit the stored payment methods associated with each donor profile.

This Section Includes:

Add a New Donor

Search for an Existing Donor + Export Donor Profile Information

Merge Existing Donor Profiles

Reset a Donor’s Password

View A Donor’s Transactions, Payment Profile Information, and Recurring Giving Schedules

Edit A Donor’s Profile

Add A New Payment Profile to a Donor’s Account

Edit an Existing Payment Profile

Generate and Email Donor Contribution Statements


Add A New Donor

1.          Step One: While on the Donors screen within your Control Panel, click the Add Donor button at the top of your screen.

2.          Step Two: Complete the required fields, then click Save.

NOTE: Once you save the profile, your donor will receive an email welcoming him/her to online giving. This email will provide the donor with instructions for logging in, as well as a temporary password for his/her new account.

Search for an Existing Donor + Export Donor Profile Information

Use the Search Box in the top right of your screen to search for existing donors.

NOTE: If you are having trouble finding a particular donor, try searching by first name or last name only.

NOTE: Currently, only individual donor profiles exist. These profiles are associated with a donor’s email address. There are no family profiles at this time.

NOTE: Columns can be sorted by clicking on the column header. (NameEnvelope #Email/Login12-Mo Stats, and Lifetime Stats.)

To export your donors’ profile information, click the Export button to the left of the Search Box.

Merge Existing Donor Profiles

Merging donor profiles will consolidate donations from one specific donor into one profile for easier record keeping. To combine multiple donor profiles, click the Merge Donors button at the top of the page.

1.          Step One: Select the donor profile you desire to remove.

2.          Step Two: Select the donor profile you desire to keep.

3.          Step Three: Click Submit to merge the two profiles.

NOTE: For more information regarding merging donor profiles, click here. 

NOTE: To completely remove a donor from your system, please submit a ticket our Support Team by clicking on Help Desk > Support in the top right corner of your screen.


Reset a Donor’s Password

1.          Visit your online giving page and click Sign In.

2.          Click Forgot Password.

3.          Enter the donor’s User Email, then click Reset.

The donor will be sent a link to reset their password that will be valid for a short time.


View A Donor’s Transactions, Payment Profile Information, and Recurring Giving Schedules

Search for the donor using the Search Box. Then, click Actions > View Transactions on the right side of your screen.

This will open the following page for your review:

Edit A Donor’s Profile

1.          Step One: Locate the donor using the Search Box. Then, click Actions > Edit Profile on the far right of your screen.

2.          Step Two: Complete the required fields, then click Save.

NOTE: If the Envelope # field does not appear when you view a donor’s profile within the Control Panel, please contact our Giving Support team by clicking Help Desk > Support > Create New Case, and indicate that you would like the envelope numbers field added to your Control Panel.


Add A New Payment Profile to a Donor’s Account

1.          Step One: Search for the donor using the Search Box. Then, click Action > Payment Profiles on the far right side of your screen.

2.          Step Two: Click Add New Payment Profile.

3.          Step Three: Select Add Debit or Credit Card or Add Bank Account. Complete the form, then click Save Card or Save Bank.

Edit an Existing Payment Profile

1.          Step One: Search for the donor using the Search Box. Then, click Action > Payment Profiles on the far right side of your screen.

2.          Step Two: Click the existing payment profile you would like to edit.

3.          Step Three: Click Edit Card or Edit Bank.

4.          Step Four: Perform the desired edits, then click Save Card or Save Bank.

Generate and Email Donor Contribution Statements

It is recommended that you print contributions statements from your ChMS application to insure that online and any other donations are included.

1.          Step One: Log into your Admin account, and click on Donors on the far left panel.

2.          Step Two: Click on the Contribution Statement button at the top of screen.

3.          Step Three: Enter the Start Date and End Date of the desired statement. Select the desired Transaction Type. If you would like a copy of the statement to be emailed to your donors, select the Email Report To Donors check box.

4.          Step Four: Click Select All to generate statements for all donors. If you would like to generate statements for specific donors, select the check box the the left of each desired donor’s name. Then, click Generate Report.

5.          Step Five: The requested reports will appear on the right side of your screen. For a detailed view of each individual report, click the plus sign next to the donor’s name.