The Settings tab will allow you to customize your users’ giving experience.
Go to the Organization drop-down located in the top right-hand corner of the screen and then click on Settings.
NOTE: If you do not see the Settings option under the Organization tab in your control panel, please contact the primary manager for your online giving account. Your user permissions will need to be updated to include this option.
This Section Includes:
You can add either a credit card or your organization’s bank account that you prefer to be billed for your online giving account. For security reasons, after submitting your Billing Information, you will not be able to see the information. You can submit a support ticket to confirm the information. This is where monthly fees and transactions fees will be billed.
NOTE: Changes here do not affect where donations are deposited. To update the depository account, please open a ticket using the Help Desk Menu>Support. You can securely upload a new voided check or letter from your bank with the new account information through the ticket.
Cards Accepted Display Settings
This simply displays the card symbols for donors to see which cards they may use. (Unless otherwise indicated in your set-up process your processor accepts all card types. Unchecking a box will not decline a gift from a donor using a card that is not checked/displayed.)
You can customize the email a donor receives for the following purposes:
New Donor: welcome email a donor receives when creating an account for the first time.
Text Giving Receipt Email: Email receipt when a text gift is made.
Recurring: Email donor receives each subsequent processing of a recurring gift.
Expiring Cards: Automatic notice a donor receives if a card they have on file as an expiration date in the next 60 days.
A BCC field is available for this, if a church staff member would also like to be notified in order to follow up with the donor.
The email a donor receives when making a gift through the portal is set on each form, allowing the message to be unique to the form purpose.
You can edit your Giving Portal and find the Integration code by clicking on Edit your Giving Portal.
1. Here you can upload a new header Image to your Giving Page. Your header image should be approximately square-shaped, and a minimum of 70px. You can use an image that is just your logo, not also the name of your organization since that will display from item #2. File types allowed are .jpg, .png, or .gif but we suggest you use a .png with a transparent background. Files of any type need to be smaller than 3MB. (If you need to resize images, we recommend an application like Pixlr.)
2. Here you can enter the Display Name you would like to appear on the top of the donation giving form. If the logo contains the name, or you do not want the organization name to display, this can be left blank.
3. Select the Donation Form you would like to appear on your giving page. Donations Forms are created using the Form Builder, located on the left side of your admin dashboard.
4. The portal address listed here is ideal for printed materials as it is easy for your donors to quickly enter it into their mobile devices to access your giving page. This can be personalized to your church by clicking the edit button. Simply type in the box what you would like to appear after the .com/ of your site.
NOTE: Do NOT include ‘’ when inputting your short name for the PURL, as this will make the PURL “” and the PURL will not work correctly.
5. Here you will find your Integration Code to link your online Giving Page to your website. Place the following code anywhere between the HTML <body> and </body> of your site.