Modify Special Reports - Update allows you to edit the details of your special report design and select which reports to print using that design.
This Section Includes:
The Expand All and Collapse All buttons expand and collapse the entire grid. The report Title can be edited while the Add New Group and Add New Line buttons allow you to add items to your special report.
Security Level:
After selecting either the Change, Delete or Run or the Change or Delete option from the drop-down list, a Report Password field appears. Enter the password for this report. Passwords are saved separately for each special report. (Passwords can be reset by calling Support and verifying your credentials.)
Click the Add New icon by any group in the grid to add a group or line under that group. Click the Edit
icon to edit any group or line, and the Delete
icon to prompt you to delete a group or line from the grid.
You can drag and drop grid items when creating or editing your special reports. |
When adding or editing a group you can specify the Description, whether you want to Reverse sign when printing, Show Heading, and where you want to Include Under. This is a drop-down list allowing you to select whether to position the group at the top or place it under another group. Click the Update button to save changes to the group or the Cancel link to return to the previous page without saving.
The option to Reverse sign when printing has a special function when using the Cash Flow report. If this option is not selected, the amount printed on the Cash Flow report is the opening balance. If selected, the amount is for the period. |
When adding or editing a line you can specify the Description, whether you want to Reverse sign when printing, and where you want to Include Under. This is a drop-down list allowing you to select whether to position the line at the top or place it under a group. You also have a grid where you can click the Add new line link to add accounts or ranges of accounts from any level of your chart of accounts. The Sub-Account drop-down list allows you to specify which sub-accounts you want to include on the line. Select any option other than Show All to display field(s) so you can input the number(s).
Click the Apply button to save changes to the line and start entering a new line, the Update button to save changes to the line, or the Cancel link to return to the previous page without saving.
When using an account range, the fields behave in the following fashion:
•<blank> - 40100: A blank in the first field and 40100 in the second field indicates you want only account 40100 for that line. •40100 - <blank>: The number 40100 in the first field and a blank in the second field indicates you only want account 40100 for that line. •0-40100: A zero in the first field and 40100 in the second field indicates you want all accounts less than or equal to 40100 for that line. •40100-0: The number 40100 in the first field and a zero in the second field indicates you want all accounts greater than or equal to 40100 for that line. •40100-49999: The numbers 40100 in the first field and 49999 in the second field indicate you want all accounts between 40100 and 49999 for that line. |
After setting up the special report click the first report that you want to print on the right panel under Report(s) Selection. This displays the Preferences window for that report. Make your selections and customizations then click the Update button to select the report and return to the Update page or the Cancel link to return to the Update page without selecting the report. You can select as many reports as you like. Click the Delete icon in the Report(s) Selection area by any report to be prompted to delete the selection.
You must select at least one report to print. |
Click the Update button to save all changes, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time the page was updated, or the Cancel link to return to the main Special Reports page without saving.