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Utilities > Lookups






The Lookups utility allows you to edit and organize lookup entries for addresses, phones, suffixes, and titles. Double-click on a Lookup Type or click the Edit  icon to edit a Lookup Type.

This Section Includes:

ØAddress Type


ØPayment Method

ØPayment Processor

ØPayment Type

ØPhone Type

ØSuffix Type

ØTitle Type


Address Type


You can edit the Type Name, Description, and Qualifier Title (there are 5 available qualifiers, plus the default qualifiers: Propagation, ??, and Module). The grid displays existing address types with the following columns:





Qualifiers (one column per qualifier)

Active: This column contains a check mark if the address type is active.


Click and hold on the Move  icon to drag and drop items within the grid order. The order shown in the grid is the order that address types show up in drop-down lists throughout the program.


Double-click an existing entry in the grid or click the Edit  icon to edit. Click the Add New Lookup link to add a new address type. Click the Delete  icon by an address type in the grid to be prompted to remove it. You can only remove manually added address types that are not in use.

The Name field allows you to customize the name of the address type. You can use the Module field to specify the application within which the address type is to be used. Use the Active box to indicate if the address type is active. Click the OK button to save your changes and return to the address type update page or the Close link to return to the prior page without saving.

The Propagation and ?? qualifiers are only used by Arena. You can ignore these fields if you do not own Arena applications.


When finished click the Update button to save all changes to address types and return to the Lookups page, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time address types were updated, or the Cancel link to return to the Lookups page without saving.



You can edit the Type Name, Description, and Qualifier Title (there are 6 available qualifiers, plus the default qualifiers: Display Name and Format). The grid displays existing countries with the following columns:


Display Name


Qualifiers (one column per qualifier)

Active: This column contains a check mark if the country is active.


Click and hold on the Move  icon to drag and drop items within the grid order. The order shown in the grid is the order that countries show up in drop-down lists throughout the program.


Double-click an existing entry in the grid or click the Edit  icon to Edit. Click the Add New Lookup link to add a new country. Click the Delete  icon by a country in the grid to be prompted to remove it. You can only remove manually added countries that are not in use.

The Name field allows you to customize the abbreviation of the country (e.g., US). Enter the full name of the country in the Display Name field. Use the Active box to indicate if the country is active. Click the OK button to save your changes and return to the countries update page or the Close link to return to the prior page without saving.


The Format qualifier is only used by Arena. You can ignore this field if you do not own Arena applications.


When finished click the Update button to save all changes to countries and return to the Lookups page, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time countries were updated, or the Cancel link to return to the Lookups page without saving.


Payment Method


You can edit the Type Name, Description, and Qualifier Title (there are 8 possible qualifiers). The grid displays existing payment processor classes with the following columns:


Qualifiers (one column per qualifier)

Active: This column contains a check mark if the payment method is active.


Click and hold on the Move  icon to drag and drop items within the grid order. The order shown in the grid is the order that payment methods show up in drop-down lists throughout the program.


Double-click an existing entry in the grid or click the Edit  icon to edit. Click the Add New Lookup link to add a new entry. Click the Delete  icon by a payment method in the grid to be prompted to remove it. You can only remove manually added payment methods that are not in use.

The Name field allows you to customize the name of the payment method. Use the Active box to indicate if the payment method is active. Click the OK button to save your changes and return to the payment method update page or the Close link to return to the prior page without saving.

When finished click the Update button to save all changes to payment methods and return to the Lookups page, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time payment methods were updated, or the Cancel link to return to the Lookups page without saving.

Payment Processors


You can edit the Type Name, Description, and Qualifier Title (there are 6 available qualifiers, plus the default qualifiers: Class Name and Assembly Name). The grid displays existing payment processor classes with the following columns:


Class Name

Assembly Name

Qualifiers (one column per qualifier)

Active: This column contains a check mark if the payment processor class is active.


Click and hold on the Move  icon to drag and drop items within the grid order. The order shown in the grid is the order that payment processor classes show up in drop-down lists throughout the program.


Double-click an existing entry in the grid or click the Edit  icon to edit. Click the Add New Lookup link to add a new entry. Click the Delete  icon by a payment processor class in the grid to be prompted to remove it. You can only remove manually added payment processor classes that are not in use.

The Name field allows you to customize the name of the payment processor class. Enter the Class Name and Assembly Name. Click the OK button to save your changes and return to the payment processor class update page or the Cancel link to return to the prior page without saving.


The Class Name and Assembly Name qualifiers are related to Arena. If you do not have Arena and need help with these fields, please contact support. 


When finished click the Update button to save all changes to payment processor classes and return to the Lookups page, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time payment processor classes were updated, or the Cancel link to return to the Lookups page without saving.

Payment Type


You can edit the Type Name, Description, and Qualifier Title (there are 8 possible qualifiers). The grid displays existing payment types with the following columns:


Qualifiers (one column per qualifier)

Active: This column contains a check mark if the payment type is active.


Click and hold on the Move  icon to drag and drop items within the grid order. The order shown in the grid is the order that payment types show up in drop-down lists throughout the program.


Double-click an existing entry in the grid or click the Edit  icon to edit. Click the Add New Lookup link to add a new entry. Click the Delete  icon by a payment type in the grid to be prompted to remove it. You can only remove manually added payment types that are not in use.

The Name field allows you to customize the name of the payment type. Use the Active box to indicate if the payment type is active. Click the OK button to save your changes and return to the payment type update page or the Close link to return to the prior page without saving.

When finished click the Update button to save all changes to payment types and return to the Lookups page, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time payment types were updated, or the Cancel link to return to the Lookups page without saving.

Phone Type


You can edit the Type Name, Description, and Qualifier Title (there are 6 available qualifiers, plus the default qualifiers: Behavior and Family Wizard). The grid displays existing phone types with the following columns:



Family Wizard

Qualifiers (one column per qualifier)

Active: This column contains a check mark if the phone type is active.


Click and hold on the Move  icon to drag and drop items within the grid order. The order shown in the grid is the order that phone types show up in drop-down lists throughout the program.


Double-click an existing entry in the grid or click the Edit  icon to edit. Click the Add New Lookup link to add a new phone type. Click the Delete  icon by a phone type in the grid to be prompted to remove it. You can only remove manually added phone types that are not in use.

The Name field allows you to customize the name of the phone type. Use the Active box to indicate if the item is active. Click the OK button to save your changes and return to the phone type update page or the Close link to return to the prior page without saving.


The Behavior and Family Wizard qualifiers are only used by Arena. You can ignore these fields if you do not own Arena applications. 


When finished click the Update button to save all changes to phone types and return to the Lookups page, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time phone types were updated, or the Cancel link to return to the Lookups page without saving.

Suffix Type


You can edit the Type Name, Description, and Qualifier Title (there are 8 possible qualifiers). The grid displays existing suffix types with the following columns:


Qualifiers (one column per qualifier)

Active: This column contains a check mark if the suffix type is active.


Click and hold on the Move  icon to drag and drop items within the grid order. The order shown in the grid is the order that suffix types show up in drop-down lists throughout the program. 


Double-click an existing entry in the grid or click the Edit  icon to edit. Click the Add New Lookup link to add a new suffix type.

The Name field allows you to customize the name of the suffix type. Use the Active box to indicate if the item is active. Click the OK button to save your changes and return to the suffix type update page or the Close link to return to the prior page without saving.

When finished click the Update button to save all changes to suffix types and return to the Lookups page, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time suffix types were updated, or the Cancel link to return to the Lookups page without saving.

Title Type


You can edit the Type Name, Description, and Qualifier Title (there are 8 possible qualifiers). The grid displays existing title types with the following columns:


Qualifiers (one column per qualifier)

Active: This column contains a check mark if the title type is active.


Click and hold on the Move  icon to drag and drop items within the grid order. The order shown in the grid is the order that title types show up in drop-down lists throughout the program. 


Double-click an existing entry in the grid or click the Edit  icon to edit. Click the Add New Lookup link to add a new title type. Click the Delete  icon by a title type in the grid to be prompted to remove it. You can only remove manually added title types that are not in use.

The Name field allows you to customize the name of the title type. Use the Active box to indicate if the item is active. Click the OK button to save your changes and return to the title type update page or the Close link to return to the prior page without saving.

When finished click the Update button to save all changes to title types and return to the Lookups page, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time title types were updated, or the Cancel link to return to the Lookups page without saving.