Administrator Manual > Implementing Website Features > Page Structure > Required Pages




Required Pages


While your specific site design is unique, several key pages are required for your Arena-managed websites to function.

Root Page – The first of these is the Root page, which serves to organize all of the pages for your website. This is a simple container page and it should contain no modules. To create this page (unlike other pages), first create it as a child of another page and then change its parent to “Root” in the Page Details area.

Home Page – Second is the Home page, which is the initial page every visitor views when they initially navigate to the site, and should be a child of your root page. This page is referenced in the portal details and by the navigation modules throughout your website. Your Home page is also frequently a different template from the rest of your site to display Flash animations, promotions, and other links to vital areas of your web site. The modules on this page vary greatly depending on your particular needs for your web site, but frequently includes a navigation bar to reach the rest of your site, promotion modules to display your active promotions, and any number of Advanced HTML Text modules to display the animations and any other static content not written into your template.

Login Page – Thirdly, you need a Login page (as a child of your Home page) which contains the User Login module to allow your web site to authenticate visitors as individual Arena users, allowing them access to secured areas of your web site as allowed by user-specific security permissions. Your Login page is also selected in the portal details and referenced by several modules.

The All Users security role must be able to view your Login page, as all visitors count as members of the All Users security role until they have passed through the Login page. It is also important to give view rights to the Login page to every security role with any permissions on this page tree, as certain modules may attempt to re-verify the identity of a user by passing their login and password to the Login page.