Administrator Manual > Configuring Arena > Application Settings > Family Registration




Family Registration Application (available for Self-hosted clients only)


Use this page to make default setting selections. Alternately, you can adjust settings on individual kiosks through the Family Registration application settings.

Allow Check-In – Set to True to allow check-in for new records.

Attribute Groups – Select the Person Attributes group to make available.

Default Campus – If using multi-campus, you have the option to set the default campus for new records.

Default Member Status – Set the default member status for new records.

First Time Visit Attribute ID – Set the person attribute to populate with first visit date.

Image Path – Optional setting for the file path to store new images/photos. Default location is the ~Images folder.

Prompted for Assigned Cards – Set to True if your organization assigns member cards for new visitors.

Search by Security Code – Set to True to search for a person by a security code.

Timeout Minutes- Enter the number of minutes to pass for inactivity for the current user.

Printer Settings – Set all printer settings if printing member cards.