Administrator Manual > Configuring Arena > Application Settings > Check-In




Check-In Application Settings


Use this page to make default setting selections. Alternately, you can adjust settings on individual kiosks through the Check-In Management page.

Fingerprint Scanner Server – Set the IP address of the fingerprint scanner.

Fingerprint Scanner Software Installation Directory – The directory on the local kiosk where the fingerprint scanner software is installed.

Auto-Select Classes – Specify if Check-In.

Check-In Selection Mode – Use this drop-down list to set if all family members are automatically selected, once a family member enters the phone number or if each family member must be selected.

Show Cursor – Set to display the cursor or not.

Valid Phone Types – Select which phone type to allow for entry.

Auto Detect POS Scanner – Set to True to automatically detect POS scanner, if using barcode readers.

Scan sound file name – Enter the file path for the sound file, to play after barcode is scanned.

Scanner Name – Option to set POS service object name.

Screen Height – Enter the default screen height.

Screen Width – Enter the default screen width.

Number of Security Code Characters – If using security codes, enter the number of characters to use.

Roles with access to check-in management – Select the security roles that should have access to Check-In Management.

Security Code Characters – Enter the alpha and numeric values to use for the security code.