Administrator Manual > Configuring Arena > Email Configuration > System Emails




System Emails


System Emails are global emails sent based on the feature. Below is a list of system emails along with a brief description. In order to use system emails, you must complete and save the required fields and start Agents where applicable.

System Email


Advanced HTML

Sends email to the specified recipient when the Advanced HTML module is changed.

Agent | Birthday

Sends daily email to all active records with a complete birthday in MMDDYYYY format on the current day, with an active email address and who are the minimum age specified in the Send Birthday Email Agent.

Agent | Contribution Statement Email

Sends email with the contribution statement attached to all records with an active email address, PIN number and email statement is marked.

Agent | Daily Email

Sends a list of all birthdays for the current day to all records marked “staff” or to a specified tag. Consider adding the ##BirthdayDetail## and ##ServingTagDetail## merge fields.

Agent | Group Leader Registration

Sends email to the group leader when someone registers for the group to which the recipient is the Group Leader.

Agent | Group Member Registration

Sends email to the registrants of a group.

Agent | Mailing(CASS/Move)

Sends email when the Cass/Move agent runs.

Agent | Mission Trip Registration

Deposit Reminder

Sends email to mission team travelers when a deposit is due. This is based on values in the specific Mission Trip.

Agent | Mission Trip Registration

Reminder Email

Sends email to all mission trip travelers to remind them of a mission trip payment.

Agent | Serving Reminder

Sends email reminder to specified serving tag members to notify them of the next serving schedule. Future occurrences for the respective Serving Tags are required.

Agent | Voicemail Notification

Sends email when the Arena PBX Voicemail automation agent runs.

Assignments | Email to Remind Worker

Sends email to the designated assignment worker when an assignment is not updated or closed by a specified period.

Assignments | Email to Requestor on Close

Sends email to the Requestor when a worker closes an Assignment.

Assignments | Email to Requestor on Entry

Sends email to the Assignment Requestor when an Assignment is entered.

Assignments | Email to Requestor on update

Sends email to the Assignment Requestor when an Assignment is updated.

Assignments | Email to Worker on Close

Sends email to the Assignment Worker when the assignment is closed.

Assignments | Email to Worker on Entry

Sends email to the worker of the Assignment.

Assignments | Email to Worker on Update

Sends email to the worker when the assignment is updated. 

Assignments | Notify Assignment Type Subscriber

Sends email to the subscriber when an assignment is updated.

Background Check | Received From Provider

Sends email to the Background Check Owner when the background check report has been returned from the provider and is available in Arena. Consider including the background check detail URL.

Background Check | Requested

Sends email to the Background Check Type Owner when a background check of that type is requested.

Background Check | Updated

Sends email to the requestor and/or subscriber when the background check is approved, rejected or updated.

Classified Approval

Sends email when a classified ad is approved.

Counseling | Request

Sends email to the Requestor and recipients in the CC and BCC fields.

Event Refund

Sends email to the registration person when a payment is refunded.

Event Registration Notification

If Notify Owner is checked in an Event Tag, Arena sends email to the tag owner when someone registers for the event.

Login Request

Sends email to the email address of the user that was provided when the member account was created.

Merge Person Request

Sends email to notify designated person when a merge request needs to be processed.

Mission Trip Contribution

Sends email once a mission trip payment is made through online giving.

New User Account | Email Verification

Sends email to the registered user.


Sends e-newsletters to subscriber’s email address provided at the time of subscribing, with a link to the current newsletter.

Newsletter Subscription | Email


Sends email to the recipient to verify subscription.

Online Giving Contribution

Sends email to the contributor’s email address.

Online Giving | Rejected Contribution

Sends email to the designated person with a list of rejected Contributions.

Password Request

Sends email to the email address of the user that was provided when the member account was created with password information.

Prayer Request | Comments

Sends email when the Arena Process Prayer Requests automation runs.

Prayer Request | Expire No Renewal

Sends email when the Arena Process Prayer Requests automation runs.

Prayer Request | Expire With Renewal

Sends email when the Arena Process Prayer Requests automation runs.

Serving Opportunity Details

Sends email to the first active email address of the Serving Tag Owner(s) when a prospective volunteer registers for a Serving Tag via online Volunteer Registration or the Add Volunteer page.

Small Group Locator

Sends email to the first active email address of the Group Leader when a prospective group member registers for a Group via Group Locator or Add Registrant.

Subscribed Announcements

Sends email to the first active email address of the recipients whom have subscribed to email announcements.

The setting is modeled by the ArenaSubscribedAnnouncement agent.

User Confirmation Notification

Sends email to the email address specific in the User Confirmation module.

Volunteer Signup

Sends email to the Tag Owner(s) when someone clicks the “Join the Team” button on the external portal.

Volunteer Service Owner Notification Email

Sends an email to the service team owner(s)  when a serving member has accepted or declined a serving opportunity.

Volunteer Service Request Email

Sends an email to a serving member when they have been chosen to serve for a service team position.

Volunteer Service Cancellation

Sends an email to a serving member when the service team position that they have been previously chosen to serve on has been cancelled.