Use this page for general email configuration or optionally on the Organization Settings page. It is generally advised to consider the volume of emails generated by members of your staff and adjust email batch size and pause duration as needed.
•Email Provider - Select a predefined email provider.
•SMTP Server – Enter the email server for your organization (e.g., Microsoft Exchange, Gmail, etc.).
•Port – Set the port. The default portal is 25. If you are sending over SSL, you need to change this value.
•Timeout – Enter the time (in milliseconds) before the SMTP server is to be unresponsive. If left blank, the default is 20,000.
•Use SSL – Specify if using Secure Sockets Layer.
•SSL Log Path – Enter the path to the log file for SSL logging. If left blank, SSL logging is off.
•Email Batch Size – Enter the number of emails to send per batch for processing.
•Pause Duration – Enter the number (in milliseconds) to pause between email batches.
•Username – Enter the email server username.
•Password – Enter the email server password.
•Email Log Path – Enter the path to the log file for email logging. If left blank, logging is off. If the “EmailLogPath” value is set in the web.config file, Arena ignores this value.
•Organization Email – The default email address that your organization uses to send out messages.
•Organization Email Name – The default name which your organization uses to send out messages.
Advanced Settings:
•Timeout - Enter the time (in milliseconds) before the SMTP server is considerred to be unresponsive. If blank, the default is 20,000.
•Email Batch Size - Enter the number of emails that should be sent at one time during batch processing.
•Pause Duration - Enter the number of milliseconds that batch processing should wait between sending batches of emails.
•Email Log Path - Enter the email log path. If the "EmailLogPath" value is set in the web.config file, this value will be ignored. If the is left blank, logging will be turned off.
•Email Header – Customize the header to be used for Classified Requests, Prayer Requests and eCards.
•Email Footer – Customize the footer to be used for Classified Requests, Prayer Requests and eCards.
Click Update to save.
Click Test Email to test the SMPT setting.