Administrator Manual > Configuring Arena > Agent Management > Automation Agents




Automation Agents


AD Sync (Active Directory) Sync – This agent synchronizes User passwords to the Active Directory (AD). If the Agent finds the same username in the Active Directory that is in the Arena database, the user’s password changes in Arena to match the Active Directory password. The AD Configuration must be set under Administration in order for this Agent to function.

Area – This agent updates addresses with Areas.

Assignment Process State – This agent processes Assignment State Actions used with Assignment Workflow. In the case of sending emails, emails are sent to the first active email address of the recipient (requestor/worker). Also, be sure to customize all Assignment System Emails.

Background Checks – This agent processes background checks completed by the provider and triggers the respective email to owner, requestor or approver. Emails are sent to the recipient’s first active email address. Also, be sure to customize Background Check System Emails.

Calculate Peers – This agent executes all peer network types.

Classified Cleanup – This agent removes classifieds older than the specified days in the Classified Expire Days Organization Setting.

Computer Audit – This agent searches the Domain the web server is part of for other computers. It is capable of listing all the computers on the Domain, along with hardware and software specifications about those computers. This agent is heavily dependent on specific hardware configurations.

Create Occurrences – This agent creates occurrences for use in Check-In.

Daily Email – This agent sends a daily email to specified recipients consisting of all records with birthdays today. This agent has several agent settings such as setting age range, displaying the age in the email, setting the recipients and the option to include a photo if one exists on the person’s record. When the Recipient Tag setting is set to -1 in the Agent settings, Arena sends the email to all records marked as Staff. You can optionally create a (Ministry) Tag and enter the Tag ID in this setting to send the email to only records in this tag. You also need to customize the Daily Email System Email.

Email Clean – This agent cleans up bad email accounts. It watches a specific POP3 email account looking for bounced messages. Email addresses are harvested from these messages and deleted from the Arena membership and newsletter subscription tables. Email addresses determined to be 'bad' are flagged inactive and noted with an appropriate reason. This agent has several settings you want to review and set accordingly.

MailServer is the Host name of the mail server.

MailUsername is the POP3 account login.

MailPassword is the Password for the POP3 account.

Set DeleteAll to true to tell the agent to delete all of the mail in this account. If this mail account is only used to process bounced mail it is a good idea to set this parameter to true. Default is false.

Specify to run ProcessTransient or not. This agent is written to handle two types of bounced mail. The first type is called a Hard Bounce. This is the normal error for an old or incorrect email address. The second is called a Transient Bounce. This error type says that an MX record exists for the recipient’s email address, but the server has not been up for 2 days. It is up to you whether you wish to delete these addresses from your database. Though it is very rare, occasionally an email server will be down for 2 days, but usually only at a small business or personal server. Set this parameter to true if you wish to delete Transient addresses from your database. Default is false.

Set the MessageBatchSize to the maximum number of messages to be processed during a single interval of running. It is useful to throttle the impact this agent has on the mail server. It is also useful if you are expecting a large number of messages to be in the account. The more messages there are to process the more memory used on the system that is running the agent. Default size is 300.

Set EnableLogging, which should only be enabled if tracing an issue as the logs can get quite long. If set to true, logs are written to the install directory in a file named ArenaEmailClean_.log. Default is false.

Set the Aggressive parameter to how aggressive the agent will be when processing bounced messages. Some ISP bounce messages are generic and can lead to false bounces if the email had multiple addresses. Setting the Aggressive flag to ‘true’ processes all bounced emails while ‘false’ processes only emails with a single address in the to and cc fields combined. Default is false.

If you have an Exchange server, complete the following steps for use with this Agent:

Setup a user account with the Exchange email box to collect NDR (i.e. bounced messages);

Allow POP3 access to the server from the Server that's running the Arena Agents;

Setup Exchange to CC all NDRs to the account above;

Setup the ArenaEmailClean agent - this scrapes the email addresses from the NDRs and deactivate them in Arena.

Emails Contribution Stmt – This agent sends statements by email where records are marked email statements. In order for email statements to be marked, the individual record must have a valid email address and a PIN number.

Event Email – This agent sends all pending event emails, including reminders. The Owner Notification email is sent to the first active email address of the Event Tag Owner. The Event Registration emails are sent to the registrant email that is collected at time of registration. Be sure to customize Event System Emails and email for each Event Tag.

Historical Contributions – This agent processes historical payments.

KeepSSRAlive - This agent keeps the SQL Reporting Services active, reducing load times of reports.

Mail Queue – This agent sends all pending emails from the communication object.

Mission Trip Deadline Reminder – This agent sends an email to the mission team member to remind them of the registration deadline, if registration is not complete.

Mission Trip Registration Deposit Reminder – This agent sends an email to the mission team member to remind them of the deposit.

Newsletter Send – This agent sends the specified newsletter to people subscribed to that newsletter.

PBX Cdr – This agent works when integrating Arena with an Astericks Phone System.

PBX Peers – This agent works when integrating Arena with an Astericks Phone System.

PBX Voicemail – This agent works when integrating Arena with an Astericks Phone System and sends an email to the first active email of the designated Person Detail UL.

Process Critical Serving – This agent sends the respective Serving Tag owner an email communication when a serving tag registrant meets the following specific criteria: The value of the status lookup is 'No Contact'. The status lookup has an Include as Critical value of "y" AND they were last modified more than [Critical Profile Days Organization Setting] days ago. Additionally, they are marked as critical if the value of the status lookup is 'No Contact' and last modified more than [Critical Profile Days Organization Setting] days ago. You can also customize the Tag Member Status Lookup to include other statuses as critical by adding “y” to include as Tag Member Status Lookup Critical indicator. Note: it has to be "y", not "1", not "true", etc.

Process Health Meter – This agent processes the health meter for everyone in the database.

Process Metrics – This agent processes metrics based on their setup criteria.

Process Prayer Requests – This agent processes the prayer requests and sends the appropriate emails. Customize all Prayer System Emails.

ProcessPOP3 Account – This agent processes emails in a specific POP3 account to create the communication in Arena.

Send Birthday Emails - This agent sends an email to any person in the database that has a birthday on this day. A complete birthday in MMDDYYYY format and active email address is required. You also need to customize the Birthday System Email.

Serving Reminder – This agent sends an email reminder to the first active email address of members of designated serving tags within a defined period of time prior to next time of service. This should be run once a day. Customize the Serving Reminder System Email.

Small Group Registrations – Sends all pending emails from small group registrations to all active email addresses of Group Leaders. Customize the Group Leader Registration and Group Member Registration emails.

Subscribed Announcements – This agent sends users any promotion information to which they have subscribed to or any communications designated for the announcement email.

Sync Roles – This agent synchronizes people in a profile attached to a role. When you add records to the profile, they get the security role automatically attached to that profile.

Transaction Settlement – This agent is designed to provide additional information that falls within the specified time frame.

Update Resource Events – This agent updates Event Tags that use an external event/resource management application.