The Mission List shows the Mission Trip name, the departure and return dates, a Delete icon, and an Add icon.
Inactive mission trips do not display by default. Click the Show All check box in the upper right-hand corner to display inactive and active mission trips.
From this page, you can do the following:
•Click the Mission link to edit the mission trip.
•Click the Add New Mission Trip icon to add a new mission trip. If no missions are currently in the list, click the Add link.
•Click the Copy icon to copy a mission trip. The copies include Custom Fields, Communications, Packing Lists, Documents, and General Information from the original Mission Trip.
•Click the Delete icon to delete a Mission Trip.
Create a Mission Trip
1. Click the Add New Mission Trip icon to add a new Mission. If no missions are currently in the list, click the Add link.
2. Click the Edit button.
3. Enter details for this Mission Trip.
•Trip Name – Enter the name of the Mission Trip.
•Country – Choose the destination country of the trip from the drop-down menu. If the country is not in the list, click the Add New Country icon to add a new Country.
•Region – Choose the country’s region in the drop-down menu. If the desired region is not in the list, click the Add New Region icon to add a new Region.
•City – Choose the destination city from the drop-down menu. If the desired city is not in the list, click the Add New City icon to add a new City.
•Departure Date – Click the Calendar icon to choose the date the trip starts. To hide a trip from “public” view, set the “Departure Date” to a prior date. To leave a trip online to collect donations beyond the trip date, set the “Departure Date” one day after the last day donations are accepted.
•Return Date – Click the Calendar icon to choose the date the trip members return.
•Trip Purpose – Choose the reason for the trip from the drop-down menu. If the desired reason is not in the list, click the Add New Purpose icon to add a new Purpose. Each Trip Purpose type has a 50-character limit. See your Arena Administrator to set security by Trip Purpose.
•Trip Status – Choose a trip status. Active and inactive are default statuses.
•Trip Coordinator – Use the Popup Person Search window to search and select the name of the coordinator of the trip. This person is the “Leader” of the trip, but is not necessarily a Team Member.
•Description – Enter a description of the Trip, including any itinerary.
•Min Team Size – Enter the minimum number of people for the Team.
•Max Team Size – Enter the maximum number of people for the Team. To prevent people from registering themselves to a trip, set the “Min Team Size” value greater than zero, and the “Max Team Size” value smaller than the number of team members currently enrolled for a trip (e.g., enroll at least one person and set Max Team Size to 1. You can add team members even if you have reached the “Max Team Size.”)
•Min Age – Enter the minimum age a Team Member can be in order to go on the trip.
•Deposit Amount – Enter the amount (if applicable) that each Team Member must provide up front to go on the trip.
•Cost Per Team Member – Enter the total amount (if applicable) each Team Member must provide to go on the trip. You can use commas and decimals in any cost fields associated with Missions. Any other character does not display.
•Registration Deadline – Click the Calendar icon to choose the last day a Team Member can register to go on the trip. This field is required.
•Deposit Due on Registration Deadline – Select this check box if deposit is due at registration.
•Registration Deposit 1 Deadline – Enter the due date for the first deposit, if applicable.
•Registration Deposit 1 – Enter the amount of the first deposit.
•Registration Deposit 2 Deadline – Enter the due date for the second deposit, if applicable.
•Registration Deposit 2 – Enter the amount of the second deposit. Arena can automatically send reminder emails, using the deadline dates entered. See your Arena Administrator.
•Summary - The Summary field provides for a minimal summary of the mission trip that will be viewed and searchable from the Mission search module on the Member website.
•Details - The Details field provides for more extensive detailed description of the mission trip that will be viewed and searchable from the Mission search module on the Member website.
•Participant Validation Type - This field allows two settings that determine how the Member website works when contributing to a mission trip on behalf of one of the team members. By selecting “Dropdown”, a list of the approved team members will display for selection. By selecting “Type”, you will have to type in the participant’s name, and click verify to make sure the person is going on the trip. This is preferable when you are serving in a country not friendly to Christian ministry.
•Mission Photo - A photo representing the trip can be uploaded to this field. It would be displayed with the mission information on the Member website.
•Beginning Balance – Enter the beginning balance (if applicable).
•CN Fund – Choose the Contribution Fund from the drop-down menu. If the desired Fund does not show in the list, you need to add the Fund on the Fund Management page under Contributions.
•GL Project Code – Enter the GL expense account designated for the mission trip, if applicable.
•Trip Contributors – List of Contributors who have contributed to the Mission trip through Contributions.
4. Click the Save button.
Now you can enter other details for this Mission Trip, using the tabs below the Mission Trip details.
Mission Tabs
Editing or creating a new Mission Trip displays the Mission Details page. The details display with a series of tabs along the bottom containing additional information about the trip. When creating a new trip, all tabs display after you save the details. Click the Edit link at the upper right to begin editing the Mission Details. The figure below shows the Mission Trip details and the tabs, respectively.
•Facilitators – People who are assisting with the Mission Trip at the trip’s destination. These records are not stored in the Arena DB.
•Supporters – Use the Popup Person Search window to search and select existing records who are Mission Trip Supporters.
•Travel – This is a simple expense/income register for the trip such as ground transportation and hotel accommodations.
•Financial – This is where you can track trip expenses and income, not incurred by the Team.
•Documents – You can upload associated documents such as a trip application form. Include a standard packing list as a Document and include with the email, and use Packing List to alert team members to bring unique items on this trip.
•Packing List – This is where to list items to bring on the trip.
•Team – The trip Team Members and Leaders list on this tab.
•Email – This is where you create a template for the email sent to registrants, once the person registers.
•Custom Fields – You can create custom fields to use during online registration.
Facilitators Tab
A Facilitator list displays each Facilitator’s name, phone number, email address, website, country, region, and city. The Delete icon removes a facilitator from the list. Adding Facilitators does not add the person to the Arena database, therefore Facilitators are not searchable within Arena, nor can they be included in bulk emails.
Add a Facilitator
1. Click the Add New link.
2. Complete the fields.
•Name – Enter the name of the Facilitator you want to add.
•Country - Choose the country of the Facilitator from the drop-down menu. If the country is not in the list, click the Add New Country icon to add a new Country.
•Region - Choose the region of the Facilitator from the drop-down menu. If the region is not in the list, click the Add New Region icon to add a new Region.
•City – Choose the city of the Facilitator from the drop-down menu. If the city is not in the list, click the Add New City icon to add a new city.
•Phone – Enter the phone number of the Facilitator. You can enter and format international phone numbers. 10-digit phone numbers automatically format.
•Email – Enter the email address of the Facilitator.
•Website – Enter the website URL for the Facilitator.
•Notes – Enter any notes about this Facilitator.
3. Click the Save link when done.
Supporters Tab
The Supporters list displays each supporter’s name, address, phone number, email address, and the type of support the person provides. To add a Supporter, the record must first be in the database. If the person is not in the database, you can add them using the Add New Family option under the Membership menu. Financial Supporters entered through Contributions also display on this tab.
Add a Supporter
1. Click the Add New link.
2. Complete the fields, as needed.
•Supporter – Use the Popup Person search to add an existing record as a supporter.
•Supporter Type – Choose the type of support the supporter provides for the trip from the drop-down menu. If the type is not in the list, click the Add New Supporter icon to add a new Supporter Type.
•Notes – Enter any notes about this Supporter.
3. Click the Save button. The Delete icon removes a supporter from the list. Using the icons, you can add a new Supporter, Bulk Update the selected Supporters, email selected Supporters, produce labels for the selected Supporters or export the list of Supporters to Excel. Click the Add New Supporter
icon to add a new Supporter. The screen below shows the Supporter Details.
Travel Tab
The Travel list shows details relating to the travel arrangements for this trip. This includes information about the company, website, quantity of transportation modes, cost, cost due date, deposit, deposit due date, arrangement type, confirmation number, contact name, contact phone number for the arrangement and notes. The Delete icon removes an arrangement from the list. Click the Add New Arrangement
icon to create a new Arrangement, which opens Travel details.
Add a New Travel Arrangement
1. Click the Add New Arrangement icon.
2. Complete the fields, as needed.
•Company – Enter the name of the company providing the travel arrangement.
•Website – Enter the website (if applicable) of the company.
•Quantity – Enter the quantity of the modes of transportation, such as a number of buses.
•Cost – Enter the cost of this Arrangement.
•Cost Due – Enter the date the total Cost is due.
•Deposit – Enter the deposit amount for the Mission trip.
•Deposit Date – Enter the date the Deposit is due.
•Arrangement Type – Choose an Arrangement Type from the drop-down menu. If the type is not in the list, click the Add New Arrangement Type icon to add a new Arrangement Type.
•Confirmation Number – Enter the confirmation number (if applicable) for this Arrangement.
•Contact Name – Enter the name of the contact at the company.
•Phone Number – Enter the phone number of the company contact.
•Notes – Enter any notes about this arrangement.
3. Click the Save button.
Financial Information Tab
Use this tab to track income and expenses for each mission trip.
Add Financial Information
1. Click the Add New Register icon.
2. Select the Expense or Income radio button.
3. Complete fields, as needed.
•Vendor – Enter the name of the vendor providing the item(s).
•Transaction Date – Click the Calendar icon to choose the date of the transaction.
•Amount – Enter the dollar value of the item.
•Register Type – Choose a register type from the drop-down menu. If the type is not in the list, click the Add New Register Type icon to add a new register type.
•Check Number – Enter the check number used to pay for the item.
•Invoice Number – Enter the invoice number for the item.
4. Click the Save link.
Documents Tab
Use this tab to manage documents associated with this mission trip. You can indicate documents to include with registration.
Add a New Document
1. Click the Add New link.
2. Complete fields, as desired.
•Title – Enter the title of the document.
•Description – Enter a description for the document.
•Document – Click the Browse button to search for the document file. The file can be a .txt, .doc, .pdf, or image file.
•Required – Select the Required check box if this document is required to go on the trip.
•Include in Registration Email – Check the box if the document should be an attachment sent in the Registration Email for Team Members.
•Due Date – Click the Calendar icon to choose the date the document is due back from the trip registrant.
•Reminder Date – Click the Calendar icon to choose the date to send a reminder email to the approved trip registrant.
•Notes – Enter any notes pertaining to this document.
3. Click the Save link.
Packing List
Use this tab to track items to bring on the mission trip.
Add a Packing List Item
1. Click the Add New link.
2. Complete fields, as desired.
•Item – Enter the name of the object.
•Description – Enter a description of the item.
•Required – Select the Required check box if the item is required for the trip.
3. Click the Save link.
The Team Member List displays the team member’s name, their trip roles, if they have met any requirements to be a team member, their balance due, applied discounts, and Contributors. Click a team member’s Name link to open the Team Member Details page for that member. Prospective mission trip participants can also register for a Mission Trip by using the Online Trip Registration module/control on your organization’s Arena-managed website.
Add a Team Member
1. Click the Add New link if adding the first team member or click the Add New Team Member icon if adding additional team members.
2. Complete fields, as needed.
•Team Member – Click the Change link to search for a current record. As you type the first and/or last name, the drop-down filters the available persons. Once the desired person displays in the list, click on that name to select it. Team Members must already exist in the Arena database.
•Trip Role – Select the role for this team member. To add a new role, click the Add New Trip Role icon to create a new Trip Role.
•Requirements Met – Select this check box if the team member has met the requirements to go on the mission.
•Approved – Select this check box to approve the person for the mission trip. Once you approve a team member, the team member or others can make payments for him on your Arena-managed website.
•Discount Amount – Use this field to enter the dollar discount amount for the traveler.
3. Click the Save link.
Team Member List
From the Team tab, you can add team members, use Bulk Update, email, print labels, and export the selected records to Excel. You can also view the Contributors to each Team member. You can enter Mission contributions through Contributions and/or individuals can make payments for approved team members through your Arena-managed website.
Team Member Details
Once someone is a team member, you can click the Name link to change the role, enter discounts, approve the person, resend the Registration Confirmation email or reassign a contribution to a different team member.
Reassign Payment to Another Traveler
1. Select the Team tab of the Mission trip.
2. Select the name of the person from whom you want to reassign funds.
3. Click the Reassign button.
4. From the Reassign Contributions window, select the person to whom you want to apply funds. You can optionally select Anonymous.
5. Click the Assign button. Arena closes the Reassign Contributions window and displays a note as to the reassigned funds.
6. Click the Save link. Arena displays the reassign amount for the other traveler.
Make a Payment Towards a Trip Member or the Mission Trip
1. Choose a Mission Trip, if more than one is available. The Online Trip Registration module/control allows the logged-in user to apply his gift to the Mission itself or a specific Team Member.
2. Choose whether to register Yourself or a Family Member as a Team Member of the trip, or if you are contributing to the mission. Only Adult members of a family can register other family members.
3. Enter the First and Last Names of the Trip Member for whom you want to make a payment. Leave the name fields blank to apply the entry to the Mission itself.
4. Click the Verify Attendee button to verify the Trip Member exists for the chosen mission.
5. Enter your payment options and click the Next button.
6. Proceed entering payment information, as determined by your organization.
Email Tab
Use this tab to create the registration confirmation email registrants receive, once they complete registration.
Custom Fields Tab
Use this tab to create custom fields or select custom field groups to include on the on-line registration page. Custom Fields are listed in the order in which they appear on this tab. Click the Reorder icon to change the order that only displays for the registrant.
Mission Custom Fields
Custom Field Entry
1. Enter a name for the custom field in the Label field by overwriting the words "New Field".
2. Select the Field Type from the drop-down list. (The default is set to "Textbox".) The various types of Field Types are listed below.
•Address: This field enables the ability for registrants to enter an address (Address, City, State, and Zip fields).
•Area: Places a list of existing areas on the form in a drop-down list format. This field enables the ability to specify a page to display the group area. See Groups Areas for more information.
•Check Box: This field enables the ability to create a multi-select list of options for registrants. Enter the options in comma-delimited format in the Values field.
•Custom Query: This field enables you to enter a custom query, in the Query field.
•Date: Places a date field with a Calendar icon.
•Document: This field enables registrants the ability to attach a document. First select a Document Type to associate with uploaded registrant documents. Document Type is a customizable Lookup. See your Arena Administrator if no Document Types are available.
•Drop-down List: This field enables you the ability to create a drop-down list of options for registrations to select. Enter values in comma delimited format (e.g. Option A, Option B, Option C).
•Image: This field enables registrants the ability to upload an image.
•Lookup Type: This field enables the ability to select an existing drop-down from Lookups.
•Person: This field enables the ability for registrants to search for a single existing record, using default Person Page ID (7).
•Person Attribute: This field links to person attribute on the person detail page.
•Phone Number: This field enables registrants the ability to enter a 10-digit telephone number with the option to enter an extension.
•Radio List: Places a radio button for each value added in the Value field. Users can select only one option.
•Rich Text Field: Allows users to enter rich text.
•Static HTML Content: This field enables the ability to enter static text or static HTML formatted text in the HTML field.
•Text box: Places a text box on the form. The text box allows 255 characters.
3. Select the label location from the Label drop-down list. Options are left, right, top, or bottom.
4. Select the Size from the Rows and Pixels Wide fields.
•Rows: Use this option to adjust the number of rows to use for the custom field (e.g., a rich text field or static HTML content.)
•Pixels Wide: Use this option to specify the width of the custom field.
5. Depending on the Field Type, you may be required to enter a value for the choices presented. Field Types that require this are check box, radio, drop-down, and static.
•Visible: Select this check box to make the field visible (both internally and externally).
•Required: Select this check box for fields that are required to select or complete.
•Read Only: Select this check box to make fields view only. The field displays as a disabled field (grayed out).
•Enable Auto-Fill: For Events behind a member login, check this box for required custom fields.
•Show on List: Select this check box for fields to display on the Tag Member page.
6. After making the appropriate changes for the custom field, click the Save icon to save your changes or the Cancel
icon to close the customization options.
Custom Field Modules
If available, select a Custom Field Group. If not available, see your Arena Administrator. To remove a Custom Field or Custom Field Module, click the Delete icon next to the field/module you want to remove. (A custom field cannot be deleted if it is in use.)