Prayer > Add Prayer Request




Add a Prayer Request


1.          From the Prayer menu, click the Add Prayer Request option.

2.          Complete the information on this page.

First and Last Name – If a record does not exist enter the first and last names for the person to whom the prayer request applies.

Person – If a record does exist, click the Change link to select the person’s record.

Email – Enter the person’s email address.

Prayer Category – Click the drop-down list to select the category for this request.

Request Response – Select this check box to send an email response to the person’s prayer request.

Private – Select this check box if this prayer request is to be available to only those whom have access to private prayer requests.

Content Category - Click the drop-down list to select a category for the content. When a member enters a prayer request from the Arena-managed website, the Content Category identifies the location on the Arena-managed website.

Source - Click the drop-down list to select a source for the request.

Status – You can select Expired when a prayer is no longer active.

Approved – If you have permission, you can approve the request. Otherwise, the prayer requests can be approved on the Approve Requests page.

Expiration Date – Enter the date the prayer request should expire.

Request – Enter the prayer in this field.

Answer – Enter the prayer answer in this field. Arena sends a system email to the prayer requestor, when Request Response is checked, containing the answer.

3.          Click the Save button, or the Save & Clear button to save this request and enter another. Once a request is entered into Arena, it is always accessible (with the appropriate security role) from the All Prayer Requests page regardless of the status.