Group Trees are where Parent-Child relationships define levels. Clicking a level link displays the next level of group displaying child levels or groups of that level (depending on how many levels are in the Group Tree). As you select each level, the page shows the details for that level, the level name, active status, leader, administrator, URL, the parent level name, and type. It shows the same list as the top level for its child levels. The list also shows the active status, leader name, leader email, total number of groups in that tree, the total number of Members, the number of unassigned registrants, the number of pending registrants, and notes. There is also a Registrations tab, where you can view and assign Group Registrants. Click the Show Treeview link to display a tree view of the group. Click the Expand icon to expand the tree.
Group Treeview
Throughout the Group Tree structure, you have the ability send to emails to any group role throughout the group tree. (Arena default permissions are such that leaders and administrators have the same permissions.)
Three additional tabs display:
•Security – This tab displays security for the group. If you have security permissions, you can also make security permissions changes by Security Role or by person.
•Registrations – This tab displays unassigned and assigned Registrants.
•Attendance Summary – This tab displays an attendance for the Small Groups that are in this Group Tree below the current level.
Small Groups
The Small Group page displays all people in the group. From this page, you can email or SMS all or selected group members, change individual group member status to active or inactive, change the person’s group role, print a roster for attendance, print a roster with contact information, view and edit group details, take and view attendance, and upload documents.
This page displays in two sections. The top section displays specific information for the group such as the name, leader, meeting location and other group specific details.
1. Click the Edit Details button to edit these details.
2. Click the Print Roster button to display a roster report for all active group members.
3. Click the Show Treeview link to display all groups in a folder tree format.
The bottom section displays several additional tabs. Available tabs can vary by user.
Small Group Members - The list of Group Members shows the member’s name, home phone number, date added to the group, address, proximity (between them and the Location or Leader), Email address, Group Role, and Active Status. By clicking the Edit icon, you can change the Role of a group member, and change the active/inactive status. When you make a member inactive, the current date is applied. When you make a member active, Arena removes the date. See your Arena Administrator regarding Group Role options. Beyond the Leader, listed first, all records display in alphabetical order by last name.
•Registrations – This tab displays Pending Registrants. You can mark them as accepted or denied as Group Members, providing your Security role permits.
•Occurrences – This tab allows you to create and view occurrences for this group for attendance tracking.
•Attendance Summary – This tab shows a quick summary of Attendance for this Group.
•Roster – This tab shows a directory style Roster of the Group Members.
•Documents – This tab gives you the ability to upload documents pertinent to this group.
Creating a New Group Tree
Creating a new Group Tree depends on Group Categories, Cluster Types, and Cluster Levels already setup by your Administrator. Once created, the process of creating Group Trees begins from the top of the Group Trees page. A three level cluster type is used in this example.
1. Click the Add link to create the first Group Tree. If there are any existing Trees, click the Add New (Type) icon. If there is no link or icon, but only a Registrations tab, there are no Cluster Types created.
2. Click the New Group Collection link.
3. Click the Edit Details button on the next page to display the detail area of the New (Group Collection).
4. Complete all applicable fields for this cluster level.
•Groups Name – Enter the name for this level. A maximum of 100 characters is allowed.
•Active – Leave this box checked for active groups. Uncheck the box for groups that are seasonal. You then presented with a check box to "Mark all Child Groups and Clusters Inactive".
•Leader – Select an existing record for the Leader for the Cluster Type.
•Administrator – Select an existing record for the support admin for the Cluster Type.
•URL – Enter the website address for this level.
•Parent – This is the group parent for the current group. The parent of the first level is always the Root. You can change a group cluster within the same Small Group Category.
•Type – Select the Cluster Type for this group structure. The Type determines how many levels this group can have before you can create classes. If you are familiar with Shelby Systems software, you already know about Levels in relation to Organizations. Also, enter in a description and any notes you wish to place on the Group.
•Picture – Click the Update Photo link to locate and upload a picture for the cluster type.
•<Name> Description – Enter a description for the group tree. Maximum of 5,000 characters.
•<Name> Notes – Enter notes for the group tree. A maximum of 2,000 characters is allowed.
5. Click the Update button.
6. Click the Add link to add a second level to this group. The Type in the previous step determined the number of levels for the group tree.
7. Click the New Group Collection link.
8. Click the Edit Details button and complete the information for this second Group level.
•Level 1 Name – Enter the name for this level of the group tree.
•Active – Leave this box checked for new active groups.
•Leader – Select an existing record for the Leader for the Cluster Type.
•Administrator – Select an existing record for the group level leader.
•URL – Enter the website address for this level.
•Parent – This is the group parent for the current group. The parent of the first level is always the Root.
•Type – The associated Cluster Type, selected in the previous step, displays in this field.
•Area – If available, select the area associated with the group level.
•Level 1 Description – Enter a description for the group tree.
•Level 1 Notes – Enter notes for the group tree.
9. Click the Update button.
10. Click the Add link.
11. Click the Small Group link.
12. Click the Edit Details button.
13. Complete the details for this specific group.
•Leader – This field displays the name of the group leader. Click the Name link to display the Person Detail page.
•Active – Select this check box if the group is active.
•Group Name – Enter a name for this group.
•Parent – This is the parent group in this group tree.
•Group URL – This is the URL for this specific group, if applicable.
•Location – This is where the group meets.
•Is this group private – Select this check box to prevent this group from being available on your Arena-managed website.
•Description – Enter a description, as desired, for this group that provides website users a description for this for this group.
•Schedule – Enter schedule information for this group.
•Notes – Enter additional notes, as desired.
•Type – Select the type for this group.
•Topic – Select the topic for this group.
•Meeting Day, Start and End Time – Select and enter day and time when this group meets.
•Age Range – Select the age range for this group.
•Marital Preference – Select the martial preference for this group.
•Maximum Members – Enter the maximum number of members for this group. This number limits the number of people in this group with a Member status. Once this group has the entered maximum, it is no longer be available on your Arena-managed website for registrants. The default is 20. You can always manually add members directly to a group from the members tab for this group, exceeding the maximum member value.
•Twitter Login and Password – Enter the Twitter account information for this group, if applicable.
•Flickr Username – Enter the Flickr user name for this group, if applicable.
•Group Picture – Upload a group picture, if desired.
•Custom Fields – If you create Group Custom Fields, they display on the Group Overview page.
•Date Modified – Arena adds a "time and date stamp" when you make changes to the Group Overview or Custom Fields.
14. Complete Group Custom Fields, if applicable. You can use Group Custom Fields to record such information as a meeting room drop-down or other group specific information.
Field Types:
•Address – places Street, City, State, and Zip fields on the form.
•Area – places a list of existing areas on the form in a drop down list format.
•Check Box – places a check box for each value added in the Value field. Enter the values separated by commas. You can select any or all of the available options.
•Custom Query – allows a custom query.
•Date – places a date field with a Calendar icon.
•Document – allows the user to attach a document.
•Drop-down List – places a drop-down list populated with each value added in the Value field.
•Image – this allows users to upload an image.
•Lookup Type – allows you to select from a list of Lookup fields.
•Person – allows you to select an existing record.
•Phone Number – allows you to enter a telephone number.
•Radio List – places a radio button for each value added in the Value field. Users can select only one option.
•Rich Text Field- allows users to enter rich text.
•Static HTML Content – allows user to enter HTML content.
•Static HTML Content – any text placed in the Value field is included as static text.
•Textbox – places a text box on the form. The text box allows 255 characters.
15. Click the Update button to save.
Add Group Members
1. From the Small Groups Member tab, you can manually add a group member.
2. Go to the Small Group Members tab.
3. Click the Add link if this is the first member of the group or click the Add New Small Group Member icon in the lower right corner of the Members tab if this is not the first member.
First Group Member
Adding Subsequent Members
Use the pop-up search window to search and select record(s).
1. Click the Edit icon to select Group Role for the new member.
2. Click the Save icon to save.
Once the group reaches the maximum number of members, the below pop-up displays when attempting to add additional members. The Default Max Members Organization setting determines the default number of members for all groups yet, each group can be adjusted using the Maximum Members field in Group Details.
Using the Group Filters and Sorting Options
Use the first and last name boxes to enter a full or partial name of a group member. You can filter by group role and active group status. You can also perform a single sort (sorting by a single column) by clicking the column header. For example, click the Name column header to sort by first name. The default view is by first initial of the last name. To restore to default view, click the Active column header.
Edit a Group Member
1. Click the Edit icon on the right to edit the Role or make a member active or inactive.
2. Click the Update icon. When you make a group member inactive, Arena records the date.
Subscribe to a Group
Subscribing to a Group adds a link to the right-navigation bar of Arena’s home page. The link also displays two numbers. The first number represents group members. The second number represents registrants. You can subscribe to any group you can view. You can navigate down through the tree until the list of small groups display. At this level, you can subscribe to any Group. Select the Subscribe check box to the left of the group you want to subscribe.
1. Go to lowest level in the group tree.
2. Select the Subscribe check box of the group you want to subscribe.
3. Return to Arena’s home page to verify the subscription link.
Create a New Occurrence
An Occurrence is a record of a meeting date.
1. To view and create new Occurrences, click the Occurrences tab on the Small Group page.
2. Click the Add New Occurrence icon. This creates a new single Occurrence, called New Occurrence.
3. Click the New Occurrence link to view the occurrence.
4. Click the Edit Details button to customize the Occurrence.
5. Complete the fields for this Occurrence, as desired.
•Attendance Type -This allows you to associate this Occurrence with an existing Attendance Type, created in Check-In.
•Name – This is the name of the Occurrence.
•Location – This is where the Occurrence takes place.
•Frequency - Allows you to select weekly or every other week.
•Area - Allows you to associate the Occurrence with an Area, created in Groups.
•Start/End Dates - Allows you to enter the dates and times of the Occurrence.
•Check-In Location - You can select a Location, created in Check-In.
•Check-In Start/End - Allows you to enter the date and time this occurrence should be available, if using Check-In.
•Membership Required for Check-In - Check if you wish for only members who are already a part of the Group or Tag to check in. Checking this option overrides the age criteria associated with the Attendance Type to be able to check in. If creating manual occurrences, be sure the Occurrence is set for Membership Required in order for only people in the Tag or Group to be available.
•Occurrence Closed - Select if you want to close this Occurrence, not allowing anyone to check in.
•Head Count - Allows you to enter in a head count for this Occurrence.
6. Click the Update button to save and close the window.
7. Click the Apply Filter button. Arena displays all active group records.
8. Mark attendance, as desired. All active records in the group display.
Create Multiple Occurrences
1. Go to the Groups page.
2. Click the Generate Multiple Occurrences link.
3. Complete all applicable fields.
•Attendance Type – Select an Attendance Type created in Check-In.
•Name – Enter a name for the occurrence. This field is required.
•Location – Enter a location.
•Frequency – Select a frequency. Options are weekly and bi-weekly.
•Day of Week – Select day(s) of the week.
•Date Range – Enter a date range.
•Occurrence Start Time – Enter the start and end dates for the occurrences.
•Check-In Location – Select a Check-in Location.
•Check-in Start/End Time – Enter the check-in start and end times.
•Membership Required for Check-In – Check this box if you want to allow only Members of this Group or Tag to check-in. Checking this option overrides the age criteria.
4. Click the Generate Occurrences button.
Adding a Document to a Group or Tag
Use the Documents tab to upload documents to a specific group or tag such as an e-study guide or book for the group, or forms for a Serving Tag.
1. Click the Documents tab for a Group or Tag.
2. Select the Add link to display the Document Selection dialog box.
3. Select a Document Type from the Type drop-down.
4. Enter a document name in the Title field.
5. Click the Choose File button to locate and upload the document. If using an HTML5-compliant browser, you can drag-n-drop the file to the Document Selection dialog box.
6. Click the Save button. The Document Type displays as a link if Use Type as Title is checked, otherwise the file name shows as the link. The attachment date for the document displays next to the Type. The Title set in the Document Browser shows beneath the link. Click the Edit icon to change the attached document, or the Delete
icon to remove the document. Click the Add link to add more documents.
Print a Roster for Attendance
1. Go to the Group.
2. Click the Print Roster button.
3. Print or save the document.
Change Group Role or Status
1. Go the Group.
2. Click the Edit icon.
3. Make changes. Arena adds the current date when you make someone inactive in the group.
4. Click the Update icon.