





The Groups section is where you can create and manage Groups. Group Categories separate all the various types of Groups, such as Small Groups and Sports. This is not to be confused with Group Types, which are specific per Group, but is a larger idea encompassing overall categorization of the Groups setup. Categories divide Groups by having unique Group Structure Trees, Group Roles, and field captions for Group Details, as covered later. Generally, a different tab on the Arena Navigation Bar represents each Category.

Below are suggestions to customize this feature for your organization:

After assessing ministries that will use Groups, customize or create Cluster Types as needed. Be sure to specify to allow registration, the level for unassigned registrants, levels to email registrant notifications and to allow occurrences or not.

Customize the Small Group Tab Module on the Groups and Group Details pages.

Customize the Small Group Role, Small Group Topic, Small Group Type, Age Range and Preference Lookups so that prospective group members can easily find a group that fits the person’s interest on the Locator page of your Arena-managed website, and staff can apply requested preferences on the Add Registration page. Lookups apply to all Groups.

Verify Attendance Type ID and Default Occurrence IDs on the Small Group Table Control module are valid.

Set Default Max Members Organization Setting to the number of default members for all Groups, even though each Group can be adjusted by entering the desired Maximum Members. These values prevent the addition of members once the set number of members has be reached.

Remove the check in the Active Only check box to view both active and inactive groups. Inactive Groups display with an Inactive  icon.