Administrator Manual > Customizing Arena > List Configuration > List Tables




List Tables


Click a specific Table for a List Type to display the tables configured for the List Type. Click the Fields link to display individual fields.

Add Existing Fields when Exporting to Excel

The List Merge Fields define which available fields must be included in the Excel export of a list. You want to leave at least Person_ID checked for use with other features such as mail merge, as well as, those fields used in the specific features such as address and title.

1.          From the Administration menu, click the List Configuration option located under the CONFIGURE heading.

2.          Click the Tables link for the List Type to modify.

3.          Click the Fields link of the table to which you would like to select criteria.

4.          Select the Required check box of the fields to include when users export to Excel. Required fields are included with every Excel export.

5.          Click the Update button.