
We hope that you
enjoy reading our newsletter each month as we keep you "in the
know" regarding our platforms and services. The
February edition includes some tips that we
hope help you grow your ministry and minister to your
In this
month's newsletter we'll cover:
- Love
Your Neighbor
- New
Form Links Added to Workflows
- ShelbyNext Giving – Sign Up Today and Save
- New
Functionality in Arena
- Form
Keywords - Open New Ways to Connect
We are here to serve
you as you serve in your ministry. Have a blessed day and enjoy the
Steve Pruitt
General Manager,
Shelby Systems

In John 13:34-35 Jesus charges his disciples with the
following words, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
In a month where love is in the air, how can your church
or ministry leverage your technology to encourage your members, donors,
and community to share the love?
New Feature: Form
Links Added to Workflows

We have just released a helpful tool in Workflows
allowing you to create a link back to the information in a specific
form entry. This is great for registrations, info forms, prayer
requests, and more.
For example: You have a prayer request
form, now you can use a workflow to automatically notify your prayer
team members or a pastor about each request that is entered online and
the email or interaction that is created by the workflow can optionally
include a link back to that Form Response (that particular prayer
Shelby Next Giving: Sign Up Today & Save

Put your church's vision in
everyone's hands with ShelbyNext Giving.
For a limited time, save
over $225 per year by signing up today!
- Tier 1
option $19 – now $0 per month
- NO start-up fees.
- Easy online
- Fully integrates
into the ShelbyNext suite
(Accounting, people management, websites
and more)
New Functionality in Arena

Take a look at a couple of new features that are
now available in Arena; Staff
Members Attribute, and Small Group Leader Toolbox.
Form Keywords - Open New Ways to Connect

This hot-off-the-presses release has so many great
opportunities to increase engagement! Within the Text Feature of ShelbyNext Giving, you can now add
Keywords to Forms for members to receive links to forms other than just
your Giving form. Any form you create can be connected to a
Consider these ways to use:
- New Visitors
- Decision (New
- Events
- Small Group Options
- Sermon Notes
- Prayer Requests
Shelby Systems, 7345 Goodlett Farms Pkwy, Cordova, TN