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Data Export





Data Export


Some reports can be downloaded in the format of an excel or .csv file to allow for easier recording of giving records. We have specific formatted excel reports for import to a number of databases.  You can also create a Custom Data Export.

To generate data exports, click Organization > Data Export

NOTE: if you do not see the Data Export option under the Organization tab in your control panel, please contact the primary manager for your online giving account. Your user permissions will need to be updated to include this option.

You will then have the option to choose the data export from the Select Profile drop down based on the database you are using.

Choosing a data profile displays the data formula that will be used for that specific export. After you have chosen the export profile needed, choose the (1) Transaction Type and the (2) Start and End Date of the export data you would like to generate, and then click (3) Export Data to export the giving data into the file format you have chosen.

Data Export

This will export the data and download as an excel/.csv file to your computer. To open/edit/save the file, view the file in your downloads folder and double-click it. In the Chrome browser, for example, downloads appear in the bottom of the browser.

You can also generate a Custom Data Export that would meet the needs of importing to a database that does not already have a data profile in our system, or using a certain data value formula that does not already exist.

To do this, click the Select Profile drop down and choose Custom.

This will generate a new formula field that allows you to make your own data formula based on the information you or your database needs.

You can build your formula using the (1) preset data fields. Input the data fields you would like to export into the (2) Formula field, and click (3) Save when you are satisfied with your formula.

Below is the full list of data fields available, as well as the information that displays in each column when exported to .csv:

[personName] = donor’s full name

[fname] = donor’s first name

[lname] = donor’s last name

[addr] = donor’s primary street address for billing

[addr2] = donor’s secondary street address for billing

[city] = donor’s billing city

[state] = donor’s billing state

[zip] = donor’s billing zip code

[amount] = amount of donation

[email] = donor’s email input at time of donation or at donor profile creation

[tab] = a blank column

[fund] = designation for donation

[notes] = additional comments input by donor

[date] = date and time stamp in format m/d/yyyy hh:mm

[envnum] = ID saved to envelope number field in donor profile

[shortdate] = date in format of m/d/yyyy

[fundcode] = fund code saved to fund/designation under Fund Management.

[leadDate] = date in format of m/d/yyyy (same as shortdate)

[txnid] = payment gateway transaction ID

[yymmdd] = date without formatting, i.e. 171023 for a donation submitted October 23rd, 2017

[cardach] = confirms whether donation paid using card or ACH

[txntype] = confirms what payment method used for donation (online, kiosk, mobile, etc.)

[scramble] = donor’s encrypted card/bank account number with last 4 of donor’s card/bank account number

[personid] = donor ID

[phone] = donor phone number input at time of donation or at donor profile creation

[yyyymmdd] = date including full year without formatting, i.e. 20171023 for a donation submitted October 23rd, 2017

[account4] = only last 4 of donor’s card/bank account number

[fundid] = internal ID for designation/fund

[sep] = separates info by column

[space] = creates a space within the original initiated column to include proceeding information. For example, [personName][space][phone][space][state] would include the donor’s name, phone number, and state within the same column, formatted as “DonorName 888-555-4444 TN”. Use [sep] when you are ready to break to a new column.

In the example above, we have input the data fields [personName][email][city][zip][amount], and [date] to generate the name of the donor, the email of the donor, the city of the donor, zip code of the donor, the amount of the donation, and the date of the donation. [sep] is input between each field to separate each field into its own column in the .csv file.

Choose your Transaction Type and Start and End Date, and click Export Data. After downloading and opening the file, this is what the data looks like based on the formula above: