The My Membership page allows a member to view how they connect to your organization. While you can determine all features to make available, members can select which features to display.
Add a Member child page.
Add container module.
Click the Child Modules link.
Add the desired modules. Arena has several modules available.
•The My Giving module displays the person’s historical contributions.
•The My Groups module displays group(s) to which the person is a member.
•The My Missions module displays mission trips to which the person is an active member.
•The My Serving module displays serving tags to which the person is an active member.
•The My Repeating Payments module displays the person’s repeating contribution payments.
•The My Pledges module displays the person’s contribution pledges.
•The My Event Registrations displays events to which the person is a registrant.
You can select a specific content tab where the module automatically displays or add the modules to the Available Content tab where members can select the modules to display.
Adding modules to the Available Content tab allows each user to select which feature to add to the page. Consider selecting available for the content frame so that it is listed in the available window and not automatically displaying in the content area.
Set security permissions for the page, if needed. Consider adding the Registered Users Security Role.
Set security permissions for each module. Consider adding the Registered Users Security Role.
Members are then able to select what to display from the Available Modules pop-up.