Administrator Manual > Customizing Arena > Document Types




Document Types


Users can upload documents to the Person Detail page, a Tag, a Group, a Mission Trip or an Assignment. In order to upload a document, a document type must exist to associate the uploaded document. Each document type can be secured by security role or by individual user. In order to add a document to Arena, at least one Document Type must be created.

Create a Document Type

1.          From the Administration menu, click the Document Types option located under the CONFIGURE heading.

2.          Click the Add New Document  icon.

3.          Complete the following fields:

Type Name – Enter a name for this Document Type.

Show on Person Details – Select this check box if this document type is to be available on the Person Detail page. This requires a Document type Person Attribute on the Person Detail page.

Allow Description – Select this check box to allow users the ability to enter a description for uploaded documents for this document type.

Use Type as Title – Select this check box to use the Type Name as the document title, otherwise the original document name is the title.

Image – Select this check box to allow users the ability to upload an image for the document. Path must be in the following format: ~/Images/file.ext.

Icon (Small) – If the image box is selected, enter the file path to the thumbnail image. The source file must exist in the Images folder in the Arena code folder on the Web Server.

Icon (Large) – If the image box is selected, enter the file path to the large image. The source file must exist in the Images folder in the Arena code folder on the Web Server.

4.          Click the Update button.

5.          Click the Security  icon to set security.