Administrator Manual > Configuring Arena > SMS Text Messaging




SMS Text Messaging


Arena offers the default ability to send SMS (Short Message Service), also known as TEXT messaging via email. The default functionality is a one-way SMS communication and requires the carrier of each recipient to be identified on each record. Your organization can optionally subscribe to the StrikeIron SMS service whereby the only information needed from the recipient is the SMS enabled phone number.

Allow SMS via Email

1.          Set the SMS via Email Enabled Organization Setting to “True.”

2.          Add, update, or deactivate the providers in the SMS Email Gateway Formats Lookup. A list of major providers is available, by default.

3.          Customize Mail Merge module settings on the SMS Communication page such as scheduling and thresholds. The Mail Queue Agent must be running to schedule any Communication.

4.          Update all pages where the SMS module setting is available, as desired. Below is a list of the modules where the SMS link is available.

Popup Person Results (single) and Popup Person Results (multi) pages

Individual Information page

Report Grid page

Tag Details page

Volunteer Administration page

Team Members page

Mission Details page

List Report View module

5.          If using Thresholds with Approval, add a page with the Communication Approval List module.

6.          Once everything is in place, users can initiate an SMS from the Person Detail page or from a person list page, as shown on the next page.


SMS from Person Detail Page

SMS from Person List Page

Arena also offers the option for two-way SMS communication that requires a subscription with StrikeIron.

Follow the below steps to enable this option.

1.          Verify StrikeIron account is a Global 2.5 account.

2.          Customize the Organization Settings as shown below.

SMS Provider Password – Enter the StrikeIron password.

SMS Provider UserName – Enter the StrikeIron UserName.

SMSViaEmailEnabled – Set this to False.