Person Detail Page
Consider using the optional Dockable Person Details page so each user can customize the Person Detail. To implement, load the Dockable Person Details from the Arena Hub.
Add New Family
Review all associated Lookups. Consider changing the order of Membership Status Lookup so the default status is in the first position.
Person Bulk Update
Set the Secure Fields module setting on the Bulk Update module to “True” in order for Arena to honor security for all associated fields on the Person Bulk Update page.
Merge Members
Customize the Delete Merge Organization Setting. Set to “True” to delete duplicate records, once merged.
Consider implementing the option to enable general users to ‘request’ records to be merged but select users to complete the merge and customize the email address of the person to notify of merge requests to the Merge Request Recipient Organization Setting. Identify the two different security roles, assuming one grants permission to select records to merge and the other completes the merge. For the security role of users who can select (request) records to merge, set permission to view the Merge Members page and Member Merge module. For the security role of users who can complete (approve) the merge process, set permission to view the Merge Members page to view, edit and approve the Member Merge module. Customize the Merge Person Request System Email.
Active Campaigns
Create campaigns on the Administration menu using the Campaign Administration option.
Review the Campaign Next Family module and customize as needed.
Review the Campaign Family Status lookup and customize as needed. (This lookup determines the call options and how many times a user can select the same result before the family is “Complete.”)
Customize the Metric Chart module on the Metrics page. For example, use the Metric ID to set a specific metric to display then you can set security for the specific module. This option applies to metrics with no child metrics.
Consider setting security for specific metrics.
If using Mailroom, install the Mailroom Service on the Arena server. Technically, Mailroom can be installed on the Arena server or on a completely different server as long as the Mailroom Service is installed and the Mail Room Server Organization setting points to the server where Mailroom is installed.
Customize Mailroom Application settings on the Application Settings page. For Arena Hosted install Mailroom on each workstation. Enter the server name for Shelby v.5 workstat folder in the Mailroom Server Organization setting. We recommend using a mapped drive.
If using Mailing for bulk mail, this requires a subscription to Shelby Mailroom. From the mailroom DVD, install Mailroom on the server (if using Arena Hosted, install on individual workstations) and the Arena Agent. If you would like information about Mailroom, please contact Shelby Systems at (800) 877-0222.
Install .Net 4.0 and Report Viewer (8.0, 9.0 and 10.0) on all workstations using the Mailing application.
Public and My Lists
•Customize List Configuration so applicable criterion are available in My List and Public Lists. (Be sure to set module setting to honor security permissions for both lists.)
•To restrict access to List Types, consider copying the Report Wizards module to the same page, and adjust module settings for each module instance. Set security so that only one module displays for each user.
•Customize the List Category Lookup to give users the ability to organize lists by department and ministry.
Family Registration (available for Self-hosted clients only)
•Review and customize Family Registration Application settings such as default member status, attribute groups, default campus, and allowing Check-In. (Be sure to set the Small Group Category ID in the Family Registration application.)
•Determine the process for volunteers and staff for entering visitor information to insure a speedy check-in. Remember, additional information can be entered later.
•Establish the process for managing any duplicates that may be created.
•Customize the Campaign Family Status Lookup.
•Customize the Campaign Next Family module.