Payment Gateways provide a secure environment for credit card and Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions between Arena and a merchant that authorizes the payment. At install, there are no payment gateways. If accepting both credit and ACH payment options, your organization needs two merchant accounts, one for each payment method (unless using ShelbyNext | Giving). Once you obtain your provider account information, you are ready to add them to this page.
A payment gateway is required for online giving, event and mission registration. Arena parses the payment information between contributions and events, regardless of the payment gateway.
The below payment gateway providers integrate with Arena. As you evaluate providers be sure to review the implications in respect to PCI compliance and your Arena-managed website. Some providers require a redirect from your Arena-managed website to the third party processor for processing. Additionally, some providers deduct fees at the time of processing. (Refer to the Shelby Community for information regarding the different providers.)
•ShelbyNext | Giving
•PayPal™ Payflow Pro/PayPal™ Express - PayFlowPro integration requires a licensed, local installation of Arena and the merchant meets the PCI compliance standards to handle card holder information on premise.
•TransNational Bankcard is an integrated payment gateway provider for Arena Self-Hosted environments.
•ShelbyNext | Giving and CashLINQ (Ministry LINQ) are integrated payment gateways for Arena Hosted environments and use a redirect to their PCI compliant site where the card holder information is captured/maintained, meeting the PCI compliance requirements.
Add a Payment Gateway
To add a new payment gateway, click the Add New Gateway Account button and enter the required fields (Title, Payment Processor, and Merchant Account). When you are finished, click the Update button.
•Title – Enter a name for this gateway account. If your organization is going to accept both credit card and ACH, create a separate account for each payment method. (e.g. ShelbyNext Giving - ACH, ShelbyNext Giving - CC)
•Active - Uncheck this box to disable the Payment Gateway if no longer used.
•Payment Processor – Select provider from the drop-down list.
•Process – Select either Credit Card or ACH. ACH is automatic bank drafts where member provides checking or savings account information. If you have both a credit card and ACH for a provider, create two payment gateways, one for each payment method.
•Merchant Account – Enter the merchant number provided to you by the provider.
•Sub-Merchant Account – Enter the sub-merchant number provided to you by the provider. This is not used for all providers.
•User Name – Enter the user name for the account.
•Password – Enter the password for the provider account.
•Gateway URL – Enter the secure URL provided to you by the provider. (PayFlowPro is
•Log File – This is the option to enable logging. Enter a .TXT file path to the web server where you want to store the logging data. (e.g., C:\Program File (x86)\ArenaChMS\Arena\GatewayLog.TXT).
•Process Time – Enter the time the provider batches processed payments.
•Allow American Express - If this is checked, then donors who give using the online portal will have the option to select American Express as their payment method. (This option only functions if you have enabled American Express when you setup your ShelbyNext | Giving account.)
After clicking the Update button, the Payment Gateways list appears. All fields display on the Gateway List except Sub Account, Password, and Log File.