The Arena Hub is a Microsoft NuGet® plugin technology that enables the ability to upload to a central repository (Hub) so all Arena clients can access. NuGet plugins provide a way to install SQL code, files and reports directly to Arena without needing access to the web server or SQL server and therefore removing the necessity for an executable.
In the past, the installer implemented the reports, which took additional time in the installation process. The installer now only places the reporting services folders in the proper locations. All current customers can install the plugin, but it simply checks to make sure the reports are there and up to date.
Download Arena Hub Items
At install, users in the Global Administrator security role have access to Arena Hub. Prior to installing Arena Hub items, verify you have access. (When adding reports from Arena Hub, users need rights to save an .rdl file in Reporting Services in Site and Folder Settings.)
1. Log in as a Global Administrator. Use the Global Admin login credentials or temporarily add yourself to the Global Administrator security role.
2. From the Administration menu, click the Application Security option located under the SECURITY heading.
3. Select Arena Hub from the Application drop-down list.
4. Click the Edit Security button.
5. Add the Arena Administrator security role.
6. Select View, Edit Settings and Edit Security permissions.
7. Click the Update button.
8. Refresh cache.
9. Remove your record from the Global Administrator security role.
10. Login in again and verify access.
11. Select the item you want to add.
12. Review the details for this install. Make note of the support resource for custom reports/modules.
13. Click the Install button to complete.
14. Verify the item installed. Arena installs reports in default folders, assuming the folders are accessible in Arena. If the folder is not visible, you can add a page with the folder specified in the Report Viewer module. Modules that require new pages display in navigation.
15. Set security for new reports/modules.
Update Arena Hub Items
On occasion Shelby updates different Arena Hub objects such as reports. Follow the steps below to update such elements.
1. Log in to Arena with the needed Arena Hub permissions.
2. From the Administration menu, click the Arena Hub option located under the ADMIN heading.
3. Locate the element to update.
4. Click the Refresh button.
5. Validate report/module.