Security is applicable to Arena portals, pages, modules and person attributes. Before you customize security let’s look at some settings:
Portal Security – Each portal can be setup to use either Forms (Database) Authentication or Active Directory authentication. There are aspects to consider with either option especially if the goal is to enable staff to access the Arena (Staff) portal when off campus. In order to do so, Forms authentication is required. In addition to reviewing the available options with your Arena Administration team and senior staff, it may be beneficial to research Forums on to see how other organizations have approached each option.
If you are just starting with Arena, the first step is to assess which features your organization will initially use and focus setting security for said features. Some features provide a variety of customization options while others do not. In addition to customizing each feature, you also want to review and apply security.
User Security - As you begin to evaluate security, you need to decide which users perform specific tasks such as adding, merging, editing and deleting records, adding tags, etc. It is common practice to build security roles based on function/department, not individual staff members. While individual security may be needed for specific features, using security roles and security templates allows for a systematic approach for managing access for all staff and all non-staff.
Cascading Permissions
When setting permissions on an object, there is an option for Cascading Permissions which allows you to cascade the security roles and templates to all child objects. The following image is an example of changing the Home page security permissions.
Before beginning the process of building out security, it is recommended to first identify all staff and non-staff who need access, the features each staff member needs to access and the permission level to each feature. Arena has the option to set view, edit and approval for many features. Along the same lines as identify which feature each staff and non-staff member can access, you also want to determine the permission level for each individual.
In addition to determining staff and non-staff who need access to Arena, you want to determine necessary page(s) and module(s) to grant access. While most security is set at the Security Role level, some permissions are at the module level.