The Administration option displays information needed to process Volunteers and place them in a specific Serving Tag or status. Use the Filters at the top of the grid to narrow the results. Click an underlined column header to sort the grid by that column. The first click sorts ascending. The second click sorts descending. Additional clicks switch between ascending and descending.
•Check Boxes – Use these boxes to select specific records to Email, Word merge, SMS, Bulk Update or export to Excel.
•Flags – The flags denote the status of the volunteer.
•Name (Leader) – Click the Name link to make changes to the person’s serving tag e-card. If the person is listed more than once, it reflects they are interested or serving in several areas.
•Serving Tags – This column lists serving tags to which the person is linked.
•Age – This column display the person’s age.
•Gender – This column displays the person’s gender.
•Email – This column displays the person’s preferred email address.
•Home Phone- This column displays the person’s home phone number.
•Last Modified – This is column displays the date of last modification to the serving tag e-card.
•Status – This is the current serving status of the person. Status options are Lost, Connected, No Contact, In Process, Unable to Serve, No Response, Already Serving, Place Elsewhere, Background Check Pending, Inactive, and In Training.
•Date Active – This column displays the date when the person was first added to the specific tag.
•Date Dormant – This column displays the dormant date for the person in the tag.
•Notes/Activity – This is the most recent note or activity.
Update a Volunteer
From the Volunteer Tracking menu, click the Volunteer Administration option. Select the record you wish to edit by clicking the person’s Name link. This page displays the relevant Personal Information, Contact Information, Address Information, the dates associated with this Volunteer application, the Serving Tag details and any notes added during its creation. This page also lists all of the person’s activities such as joining or leaving a Service Tag.
•Personal Information – This section displays basic demographic information about the volunteer.
•Contact Information – This section displays the volunteer’s phone number(s).
•Address – This section displays the volunteer’s address.
•Other Serving Tags – This section displays all serving tags where the volunteer is an existing member, along with the status for each tag.
•Dates – This section displays the original volunteer date, the last date this volunteer record was changed and the date the volunteer was pending.
•Serving Tag Details – This section displays the current details for the current tag. Use this section to change tag status, assign to a different tag or enter comments.
•Custom Fields – This optional section displays Member Custom Fields for the tag.
•Activity – Use this tag specific section to document additional notes for the volunteer.
The screen below displays when you click the Edit link on the Serving Tag Details section.
•Source – Use this drop-down to select how the volunteer became aware of the volunteer opportunity.
•Status – Use this drop-down to change the status of the volunteer.
•Reason – Enter a reason when a status is changed. A reason is required for any (*) status.
•Hours/Week – Enter the number of hours per week the position requires.
•Prerequisite – Select this check box to reflect the volunteer meets all requirements for the volunteer position.
•Move to – Use this drop-down to move a volunteer to another Serving Tag position. When you move someone to a new Serving Tag, the person has a default ‘No Contact’ status.
•Notes – Use this box to enter any additional comments for this volunteer.
Below are the steps for filtering a volunteer with the Last Name of “Young”, viewing and updating his record, and then exporting a list of all the greeters.
1. From the Volunteer Tracking menu, click the Administration option.
2. Enter “Young” in the Last Name field, select “Greeters” from the Category drop-down box and then click the button.
3. Click the Name link for “Stephen Young”. The Tag Member Details page appears.
4. Click the Edit link next to the Serving Tag Details section.
5. Change the Status from “Inactive” to “In Process”, then click the Save link.
6. Let’s return to the Administration page to view and export all the greeters. From the Volunteer Tracking menu, click the Administration option.
7. Select “Greeters” from the Category drop-down box, select all the Status check boxes, and then click the button.
8. Click the Serving Tags column header to resort the records by their assigned Serving Tags.
9. View the records listed. Click the Email link to send an email to a volunteer.
NOTE: Click any column header that is underlined to sort the list by that column header.
10. Click the Export Data to Excel icon located in the lower right-hand corner. Your browser prompts you when the Excel file is complete.
Notice there are also options to Mail Merge, Bulk Update, Send Email, and Send Text Message using the other icons displayed in the lower right-hand corner.