From this page you can edit and delete a batch, open the individual entry, make entry adjustments including refunds, display memos and check images, reassign an individual or multiple entries to another record, email selected giver, mail merge selected givers export the batch to Excel or bulk update selected records, finalize a single or multiple batches, and export a single or multiple batches.
Use the filters on the top of the page to filter by date, name, fund, project, transaction type, or transaction number.
•Date Filters – You can filter by a specific date range. Enter the same date in both fields for a single date.
•First and Last Name – You can filer by an individual record. Wild cards (% and _) work in these fields.
•Transaction – You can filter by transaction ID number.
•From Amount - Enter a from amount or leave black for any amount.
•Through Amount - Enter a through amount or leave blank for any amount.
•Fund – You can filter by fund. Funds display by category and then by the same order as on the Fund Management page. Press the “Ctrl” key to select multiple funds. If you select no fund, all contributions for all funds display.
•Type – You can filter by payment method. Press the “Ctrl” key to select multiple types.
•Project – Use this filter to select specific projects. Press the “Ctrl” key to select multiple projects. If you select no fund, all contributions for all projects display.
•Honorarium - If you are using honorariums, you can enable this filter in module settings by selecting "True" on the Show Honorarium Filter option. Press the “Ctrl” key to select multiple types.
Contributions Tab
This tab displays all contributors based on the filters you specify.
Click once on any column heading to sort the data, across all pages, in ascending or descending order.
•Show Memo – Select this check box to display all entered memo notes for each contribution.
•Show Images – Select this check box to display a thumbnail of scanned checks. Click the thumbnail to enlarge the scanned check.
•Check Boxes – Use check box column to select specific transactions to reassign to another person or update date of contribution. Select the top check box to select all contributions on the active page.
•Transaction Detail – This column displays the transaction number for payment gateway contributions or check number for manually entered contributions. ("[None]" displays for manually entered contributions that do not have a check number.) Click a Transaction Detail link to display details and make adjustments.
•Batch – This column displays the batch to which the contribution is associated. Click a Batch link to display the details of the batch, including editing and deleting the batch.
•Contribution Date – This column displays the date of the contribution.
•Name – This column displays the person who gave the contribution. Click the Name link to display the person detail page.
•Type – This column displays the payment method for the contribution.
•Amount – This column displays the total contribution amount.
•Fund – This column displays the funds to which the contribution is applied.
•Click the Delete icon to delete a contribution. You can delete any non-finalized contribution.
•Page Size – The value in this box represents the number of contributions to display per page. The value to the right of this box represents the total number of contributions, based on the applied filters.
•Bulk-update selected Contributions – Use this field to update the contribution date for selected transactions.
•Reassign Person – Use this option to reassign selected transactions to another person.
•Click the Bulk Update icon to update all the selected records through Person Bulk Update.
•Click the Merge Member icon to merge selected records into one record.
•Click the Send Email icon to send email to the selected names through Arena Communications.
•Click the SMS Message icon to send a SMS Message to the selected names.
•Click the Word Merge icon to mail merge the selected names with an available document.
•Click the Excel icon to export selected records to an Excel spreadsheet. When exporting to Excel, all fields from the active page export in addition to required fields. Required fields are set in List Configuration.
Fund Summary Tab
This tab displays a contribution summary for all active funds based on the filters you specify.
Project Summary Tab
This tab displays a contribution summary for projects based on the filters you specify.
Contributors Tab
This tab displays all Contributors based on the filters you specify. The results display the person’s name, dates of first and last contribution, number of contributions, the average contribution amount and the total contribution. You can search the results within a single column. You can select contributors and export to Excel by clicking the Export to Excel icon.
Reassign a Contribution
1. From the Contributions tab, select the Contribution(s) you wish to reassign.
2. Click the Reassign button to reassign the selected contributions to another person.
3. Search for the correct person.
4. Select the radio button next to the person’s name.
5. Click the Select button. The Contribution reassignment is complete when you click Select.
6. Click the Ok button.
Make a Contribution Adjustment
You can process adjustments for one-time and repeating (whole, not partial) payments. You can process adjustments for finalized and non-finalized payments.
1. From the Contributions tab, select the Contribution to adjust.
2. Click the Adjust button.
NOTE: You can view the front and back image of a scanned check or the scanned envelope by clicking the Front, Back, or Envelope buttons.
3. From the Adjustment pop-up select the adjustment type, verify adjustment date, and enter a reason. If the Adjustment Type has "Allow Adjustment" and the original transaction was made electronically, adjustment is processed and creates a negative entry in Arena and with the payment gateway provider. If “Allow Adjustment” is not marked, Arena creates a negative contribution. The original contribution contains the desired selections. Check with your payment gateway provider regarding the allowable time to process a refund from the original payment.
4. Click the OK button.
5. On the confirmation pop-up, click the Yes button.
The adjustments display on the Contribution List page and on the Contributions tab of the Person Detail page.
NOTE: Deleting a contribution adjustment, removes the adjustment from original contribution.