Based on the applied filters, the batch list displays all batches, including online batches. During any payment transaction (online or kiosk), Arena first checks if a batch exists for that day (based on Process Time under Administration/Payment Gateway) and payment type (VISA/MC, AMEX, Discover, ACH). If so, it just drops the new transaction into the existing batch. If not, it creates a new batch to handle those transactions for the day. The batch name used for Online Giving is controlled by an OrgSetting. The batch name used for Donation Kiosk is controlled by that module setting.
•Filters – Use the date, batch name, finalized and exportable filters.
•Select – Check the box to select batches to export to Shelby v.5 General Ledge (GL), Finalize, or export to Excel.
•ID – This is ID number for the batch.
•Batch – This is the batch name. Click the Batch link to display batch details.
•Date – This is the date for the batch.
•Report – Click the Report icon to view the batch report.
•Finalized – A Checkmark icon indicates a finalized batch.
•Exported – A Checkmark icon indicates an exported batch.
•Contributions – This is the number of transactions in the batch.
•Contribution – This is the batch total.
•Difference – This is the difference in the batch total and the contribution entries.
•Funds – This displays a list of contribution amount(s) and fund(s) that make up the batch.
•Type – This indicates the payment method for contributions in the batch. Unknown batches indicate unknown or mixed payment methods. Transactions for Pay Pal Express now record as "PayPal Express".
•Finalize and Export button – Use this button in conjunction with the batch check boxes to create the GLTRN 2000 export file. You can export any batch on this page.
•Finalize Only button – Use this button in conjunction with the batch check boxes to finalize selected batches.
•Contribution Total – This is the contribution total for all batches displayed across all pages.
•Funds – This column displays fund totals across all pages.
Batch Details
From this page you can edit and delete a batch, open the individual entry, make entry adjustments including refunds, display memos and check images, reassign an individual or multiple entries to another record, email selected giver, mail merge selected givers, export the batch to Excel or bulk update selected records, finalize single or multiple batches, and export a single or multiple batches.
The Contributions tab shows the following:
•Transaction Detail – This column displays the transaction number.
•Contribution Date – This column displays the date of the contribution.
•Name – This column displays the user name of the contributor.
•Type- This column displays the type of transaction.
•Amount – This column displays the total contribution amount.
•Funds – This column displays the funds to which the contribution was applied.
•Show Memo – Select this check box to display all contribution memos.
•Show Images – Select this check box to display all scanned check images.
The Fund Summary tab displays the summary of the batch by fund.
The Project Summary tab displays the summary of the batch by fund.
Edit a Batch Not Finalized
1. From the Batch List page, click the Batch link to edit.
2. Click the Edit Details button.
3. Click the Next button to view each the first contribution entry.
4. You can adjust an existing contribution, including adding a contribution.
5. Click the Save Contribution button to save each contribution as you review and edit.
6. Click the Save Batch button.
Finalize and Export a Batch from the Batch List Page
The GLTRN2000 file includes all project codes.
1. Click the Select check box for all batches you want to finalize. Use the parameters in the filter area to locate the desired batches.
2. Click the Finalize Selected Batches button.
3. From the pop-up window, click the View Batch Report link to view the batch report.
4. Click the OK button.
5. If you are ready to export the batch, select Yes to filter to finalized batches.
6. Click the Export to GL File button.
7. Select Journal Type, enter the Accounting Period and modify Date. The default date is the current date. If using Project Codes, this shows on the income line in Shelby v.5 General Ledger.
8. Click the Export button.
Save the GLTRN200 in the ssShelby v.5.dat folder. This file is ready for Shelby v.5 General Ledger.
NOTE: Non-cash gifts are often given Contribution credit for a different amount than the GL entry.
Import Contributions to Shelby v.5
To import the GLTN2000.txt file:
1. Open Shelby v.5 Journal Entries module. When opening Shelby v.5 Journal Entries module, the import process begins automatically if the GLTN2000.txt file is present in the SSSHELBY v.5.DAT folder.
2. Click the Yes button on the Import Entries pop-up.
3. Select the desired Fiscal Year.
4. Click the OK button.
Create an Export File from the Batch List Page
You can export batches from Arena and import to Shelby v.5 General Ledger, Shelby v.5 Multi-Link, and GL Plus. If your organization is not using Shelby v.5, you can still export the XML file.
1. From the Contributions menu, select the Batch List option.
2. Use the Filters to display batches you want to finalize.
3. Click the Select check boxes for all batches you want to finalize.
4. Click the Export to GL File button.
5. Select the Journal Type.
6. Enter the appropriate Accounting Period.
7. Click the Export button.
Import a ShelbyTELLER batch
Using this option, all ShelbyTELLER contributions import to Arena, including association to Project Codes.
1. From the Contributions menu, click the Contributions Entry option.
2. Enter a Batch Name, Batch Date, and Control Amount.
3. Click the Choose File button.
4. Locate and upload ShelbyTELLER XML file.
5. Click the Edit Details button to review and/or edit each contribution.
6. Click the Next button.
7. From this page, you can review and adjust each contribution.
8. Once you review and/or adjust each contribution, click the Save Batch button.
Copy a Batch
Follow the steps below to copy a batch that has already been finalized.
1. Click on the Batch List menu option.
2. Enter a date range and select "Yes" on the Finalized filter, then click the Apply Filter button.
3. Click on the batch that you would like to copy.
4. Click on the Copy Batch button.
5. Enter the date for the new batch and then click the OK button.
6. The new batch copy appears with the date that you entered.