Promotions > New Promotion Request




New Promotion Request


Use the New Promotion Request page to submit promotions. Your Arena Administrator likely has permissions set so that several staff can complete a promotion request and select staff to approve promotion requests.

Submit a New Promotion Request

1.          From the Promotions menu, click the New Promotion Request option.

2.          Complete all applicable fields.

Title – Enter a title for the promotion.

Priority – Enter the priority for the event. The priority is an option to determine which promotions to display on the Arena-managed web site and in what order, on a scale of 0 to 99 (0-99 is lowest to highest).

Contact Name, Phone and Email – Enter the contact name for the event if the record does not exist in Arena database or click the Change link to select from existing records.

Event – Verify the event displays in this drop-down. Click the View button to view the details of the Event.

Primary Ministry – Select a Primary Ministry for this event. This determines where to display the promotion on your Arena-managed website.

Alternate Ministry – If applicable, select alternate ministries. The Primary Ministry indicates the primary instance of the promotions module/control on your organization’s Arena-managed webpage that this promotion displays on, while Alternate Ministries indicate any other instances of the promotions module/control that display this promotion if there is an empty spot available.

3.          Select the Web tab.

4.          Complete all fields, as desired.

Promote on Web – Select this check box to display on the web.

From and To Dates – Enter the dates the promotion should be available on your Arena-managed website.

Web Summary – Enter a summary for the event. Use the HTML option to add any HTML formatting.

Summary Image – Upload an image for the promotion.

Approved – If available, approve the promotion. You can also approve promotions on the All Promotions page.

External Link - If this event is a dedicated page, enter the respective URL.

5.          Select the Bulletin tab.

6.          Click the Add Bulletin Request button. Complete all fields, as desired.

Date – Select a date. Available dates are for Sunday and Wednesday. To customize see your Arena Administrator.

Summary – Enter the promotion summary

Approved – Check this box to approve.

Priority – Set the priority.

Published – Check this box to track bulletins you publish.

Child Care, Online Registration, Event Table – Check the desired options for each bulletin promotion. This is a customizable Organization Setting. See your Arena Administrator for more information.

7.          Click the Delete  icon to delete a bulletin promotion.

8.          Click the Save button.

9.          Select the Newsletter tab. You have the option to use the summary from the web tab or enter a new summary for newsletter.

10.          Complete all fields, as desired.

Promote on <newsletter name> - Check this box to enable.

From and To Dates – Enter the date to begin and end the newsletter promotion.

Use Web Summary- Check this box if you want to use the same summary from the Web tab. If you select this option, the web summary displays disabled in the summary section.

<Newsletter name> Summary- If not using the Use Web Summary option, enter the newsletter summary.

Approved – If available, select the Approved check box. This option is to enable an approval process.

11.          Click the Media tab. This is a customizable tab.

12.          Click the Save button.