This page allows you to add new people or businesses to Arena. Prior to adding a new record, we recommend you first search the database to verify the record does not currently exist. Use Quick Search to search by name or the White Pages/Advanced Search page to search using additional fields.
Prior to using the page, your Arena Administrator may want to review the below customization options:
Review all associated Lookups.
Consider changing the order of applicable Lookups in either alphabetical order or by most used.
Add a New Person/Family or Business
1. From the Membership menu, click the Add New Family option.
2. Click the Add New Person link to add each family member. Click the Add Existing Person link to search and select for an existing record. The icon to the left of the person’s name denotes a new or existing
record. Data entry time is shorter because certain fields such, as address, propagates to all records.
3. Enter fields on the Family Members tab. Permission to all fields can vary by user. For users with no permission to update birthdate, the field is disabled and gender defaults to unknown. A complete date format MMDDYYYY is required. If the year is not available, consider using a default year such as 1900.
Users with full permission
Users with limited permissions
The following fields will display as grayed out and inactive if a user does not have permission to them.
•Title: This field is not required but Arena uses this optional field with mail merge features.
•First Name: Enter the person’s first name. This is a required field.
•Nickname: If available, enter the person’s nickname. If you do not enter a nickname, Arena propagates the first name to the nickname field.
•Middle name: Enter the person’s middle name.
•Last name: Enter the person’s last name. This is a required field. Arena uses the last name of the first person to auto populate the Family Name field.
•Family Role: Select the person’s family role. Arena allows one adult male and one adult female per family. Use Relationship to identify other adult family roles. This is a required field.
•Birthdate: Enter the complete birthday in MMDDYY or MMDDYYYY format or click the Calendar icon to select a date. If the year is not available, consider using a default year such as 1900.
•Gender: Enter the person’s gender. This is a required field.
ADMIN NOTE: Click the Module Settings link in the upper right-hand corner (After clicking the User Initial Circle) to access the Module Settings window. You can set the Gender Neutral Setting to allow two adults of the same gender to be in the same family. The default setting is "False".
•Marital Status: Enter the person’s marital status. This is a required field.
•Anniversary Date: Enter the person’s wedding anniversary date. A complete date in MMDDYYYY format is required. If the year is not available, consider using a default year such as 1900.
4. Click the Next button.
5. Complete fields on the Record/Member Status tab.
•Record Status: Select the person’s record status. Record status denotes the person’s relationship to the database. New records have the active status. This field is required.
•Member Status: Select the person’s member status. Member status denotes the person’s relationship to your organization. Options vary by organization. This field is required.
•Inactive: Select this option when changing a record to inactive. This field is required for inactive records.
•Campus: Select a campus, if applicable. (This is available only if you have campuses enabled. The Require Campus module setting determines if this is a required field during family creation.)
•Assign Envelope: Check this box to auto-assign the next sequential envelope number. If your organization does not use envelopes, this field can be set to not display.
6. Complete applicable fields on the Contact Info tab.
•Main/Home: Enter the main/home phone number for the family for the first family member. Arena propagates this number to all family members. Enter 10-digit phone numbers without formatting (no spaces, dashes, or parentheses). You can enter international phone numbers with formatting. If the family is not using a traditional land line, consider entering the primary cell phone number in this field in addition to the cell phone number field for the individual.
•Business: Enter the person’s business phone numbers. Enter 10-digit phone numbers without formatting (no spaces, dashes, or parentheses). You can enter international phone numbers with formatting.
•Ext: Enter the business phone number extension, if applicable.
•Cell: Enter the person’s cell phone numbers. Enter 10-digit phone numbers without formatting (no spaces, dashes, or parentheses). You can enter international phone numbers with formatting.
•Email: Enter the person’s email addresses.
7. Click the Next button.
8. Enter the Main/Home Address for the family. The address propagates for the Main/Home, Family Alternate Address Type and previous addresses. If the zip code is unknown, enter the city and state. Click the Standardize Addresses link and Arena attempts to standardize, adding the zip+4 zip code, if available.
Address Tab with a Domestic Address
Address Tab with an International Address
If applicable, enter an alternate address. On the same tab, you can enter alternate addresses for the family or an individual family member. Use the drop-down list in the top right corner to select an address type for the person/family or business. If you enter more than one address, you must select Primary for one address. The Primary address is used for lists, reports and mailings. Select the Override check box to indicate to the program “this is the correct address and there’s no need to standardize and geocode this address.”
•Primary – Indicates the primary address for the family or individual family member.
•Override – Indicates no standardization or geocoding needed.
•Click the Finish button. If the new record address matches an existing record address, Arena displays the Multiple Families at Same Address page. From this page, you can combine records to one family record keeping in mind Arena supports one adult male and one adult female per family. Use Relationships to identify other adult family relationships. If the new record address does not match an existing record, the Person Detail page displays for the first person you entered. Arena saves the record once you click the Finish button.
Duplicate Records
If you enter a new record and Arena detects the new record may already exist, warning text displays below the Edit Family Wizard. If duplicate records do exist, use the Merge Members page to merge the duplicate records. Arena does not detect duplicates on name alone but increases duplicate detection when you enter a complete birthdate or email address and the existing record has a complete birthdate or email address.
To Check for Duplicates
1. From the Edit Family Wizard page, click the Possible Duplicates Name link to display the two options.
2. Choose to either open the Edit Family Wizard to make changes to the existing person or view the possible duplicate record in a new browser window.
3. Click the Name link to open the Person Detail page in a new window so you can evaluate. Close to continue entering the new record.
4. Click the Edit icon to stop entry of the new record and open the Edit Family Wizard page for the existing record.
If you are not entering a duplicate record, select the I have reviewed all the Possible Duplicates check box. Once selected, you can continue to enter the record. You must resolve all duplicate record messages prior to advancing.
Remove Someone from a Family and Keep the Existing Record
Locate the family.
1. From the Person Detail page, click the Edit link on the Family section.
2. Click Delete icon to the right of the person’s name you want to remove from the family. You remove the person’s record from the family, not from Arena.
3. Click the Finish button.
4. Review both records for any changes such as address or phone number.