Membership > Membership FAQ's




Membership FAQ's


How does Arena determine Head of Household (HOH)?

The head of house calculation picks the family members, sorts them by role (adult vs. child) and by gender (male before female), and then returns the first record that results. For example for a family with one-adult male and one-adult female and two child records, Arena assigns the adult male as the HOH. For a family with one adult (male or female), Arena assigns the adult as HOH. A single adult’s record is always the HOH.


Does Arena record the information I edit?

Yes. Arena adds a note to the person’s history when you edit personal information along with the date of the change and which user made the change.

How do I add a Nick Name?

Use Quick Search or Advanced Search to select and display the person’s record.

1.          Click the Edit link to the right side of Personal Information.

2.          Enter the Nick Name.

3.          Click the Save button.


How do I change Record or Member Status?

You can update the person’s record status on the Person Detail page or on the Edit Family Wizard page.

Person Detail Page

1.          On the Person Detail page, click the Edit link of the Personal Information section.

2.          Change the Record Status.

3.          Click the Update button. When changing a record status to inactive you also need to select a reason why. Changing the person’s record status to inactive also changes their status in tags and groups.

4.          The below message displays to confirm you want to change their record, tag and group status to inactive.

5.          Click the OK button.

6.          Click the Save button on the Person Detail page or the Next button on the Family Wizard. Arena displays a pop-up message to confirm this action.


Edit Family Wizard

1.          On the Person Detail page, click the Edit link on the family section.

2.          Change record status. When changing a record status to inactive you also need to select a reason why. Changing the person’s record status to inactive also changes their status in tags and groups.

3.          Click the Finish button.

4.          The below message displays to confirm you want to change the person’s record, tag and group status to inactive.

5.          Click the Continue button.

6.          Click the Finish button.


How do I Delete a Record?

If you have permission to delete records, a Delete  icon displays in the top right corner of the Person Detail. You can delete records where contributions do not exist. If contributions exist for this record, you can reassign the contributions on either the Contribution List page or the Contributions tab of the person’s record. By deleting the record, the record is removed from all Groups and Tags to which they are associated. (If you have several records to delete you could merge all records into one and then delete that record.)

1.          Search for the record to delete.

2.          Click the Delete  icon in the top right corner.

3.          Click the OK button on the message pop-up to confirm deleting the record.

4.          If “Please remove records related to this user before deleting” message displays, this typically indicates the record has contributions. You need to reassign or delete contributions before deleting any record.


How do I Update Several Persons using Bulk Update?

The bulk update feature adds, removes or updates existing information for multiple records. Options may vary by organization. If no campaigns exist, the campaigns section does not display on this page.

Set the Secure Fields module setting on the Bulk Update module to “True” in order for Arena to honor security for all associated fields on the Person Bulk Update page.

Bulk Update Existing Records

1.          From the Membership menu, click the Person Bulk Update option.

2.          Click the Add link to search and select existing records you want to update. The records display in order of person id.

3.          Make desired changes. If no campaigns exist, the campaigns section does not display on this page.

4.          Click the Update button at the bottom of the page.

5.          You can optionally update from a List, Group or Tag.

6.          From the List Results, Group or Tag page, click the Bulk Update  icon. From the list, group or tag, you can select specific records from the list, group or tag page or select none. If you select no specific records, Arena includes all records from the list, group or tag.

7.          Click Show list link to view all selected records.

8.          From this view, you can remove or add records prior to proceeding with the update.

9.          Click the Delete  icon to remove a record from the update.

10.          Click the Add link to add an existing record to the update.

11.          Click the Clear All link to remove all records.

12.          Make desired changes. You can select to add, remove or update records for a tag or group. If no campaigns exist, the campaigns section does not display on this page.

13.          Click the Update button at the bottom of the page.

14.          After the records are updated, there is a Make Additional Changes link in case you want to make some more changes with the current selection. (If you do not want to make any more changes with the current selection, simply navigate to another page. This is an optional step.)


How do I Merge Members?

The Merge Members page is where you can merge two or more records into one new merged record. Arena’s merge wizard displays every field that contains different values. If a field has only one value across all records, Arena still displays the field. You can select which value to keep with the merged record. Security permissions can be set so that certain users with view permission of the Merge module can start the merge process and other staff with view and edit permission can receive an email to complete the merge process. 

Merge Members Customization Options

Customize the Delete Merge organization setting. Set to “True” to delete duplicate records, once merged.

Consider implementing the option to enable general users to ‘request’ records to be merged but other users to complete the merge.

Use the below steps to implement this option:

Add the email address of the person to notify of merge requests to the Merge Request Recipient Organization Setting.

Customize security roles for the users who can request the merge and users who can complete the merge. For the security role of users who can select (request) records to merge, set permission to view the Merge Members page and Member Merge module. For the security role of users who can complete (approve) the merge process, set permission to view for the Merge Members page; view, edit and approve the Member Merge module.

Customize the Merge Person Request System Email. Recipients receive an email such as the one below. Users with permission can select the Click Here link to complete the merge.


Steps to Merge Members

1.          From the Membership menu, click the Merge Members option. You can optionally click the Merge Member icon from the search results page.

2.          Click the Add People link to display the Person Search pop-up to search and select the records to merge.

3.          Click the Add People link to add more records to this merging instance.

4.          If you incorrectly added a record, click the Remove link. This removes the record from the merge process. You cannot delete records from this page.

5.          The Merge Wizard also displays the number of fields that contain a differing value.

6.          Click the Next button. Arena displays a page for every field where the values differ. After selecting the value to keep for each field, click the Next button until you review and select all fields.

7.          On the last page of the wizard, click the Finish button to complete the merge. The merge completes when you click Finish. Arena removes the duplicate records and the new record displays with a new Person ID number that may affect Security, e-Newsletters, Check-In, etc. You cannot reverse this process.

8.          When merging a record that is part of a family, verify the address for all members. The address you select during the merge process only applies to the merged record.

9.          If you do not have permission to merge the records, the message below displays.

10.          Arena sends an email to the designated user, as shown below. The user with merge permission can select the Click Here link to continue with the merge for the selected records.


What is the Me page?

The Me page displays the Person Detail page of the current user.